M & E Strategy/System for Gender Based Violence Program

Respected Members 

Hope you all are safe. 

I need your support to please share with me the M & E system for the Gender Base Violence program with me, it would help me to design M & E system for the new program. 

Thanks in advance.



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Hi Ali,

Please see the following resources that might help you. I am not confident that they address M&E questions, but if you do find something, let me know, as I am interesting in M&E questions related to GBV as well, but have not had the time to look into it:

Gender-based Violence Area of Responsibility -- public Dropbox folder   -- More info on the CoP and the Helpdesk can be found here.

Thanks a lot Leon!

Dear  Respected Leon, 

Thank you so much for sharing the excellent material which will definalty support me in developing the M & E system. I will also share with you if anything I found interested and relevant. Also please posted if you find anything else.

 Dear Rituu, Thank you so much for your facilitation and good work.



Wow! Thanks for all these resources! I really appreciate the COVID-19 GBV response resources especially. 

HI Nasir,

I am sharing two toolkits which have been recommended by several colleagues 



I had a question- are you looking at a particular population segment ? What is the focus of your program? Do you have to develop a MEL framework?

Dear Respected Ritu, 

I looking this for Pakistani population and our main focused areas, laws and policy, institutional strengthening, preventions-social norms and attitude, essential quality services, data management & knowledge. Our project just started and we are in the process of conducting baseline, Yes we have MEL framework. I am currently working to develop M & E strategy for this project. So please share the more material if you have. thanks a lot 



Hello Nasir

The Independent Commission on Aid Impact (ICAI) which is like an ombudsman that looks at the impact of British Government Spending (so DFID and the Foreign Office) recently competed a review of VAWG.  If you look on the ICAI website here https://icai.independent.gov.uk/html-report/dfids-efforts-eliminate...

you will find a lot of up to date documents that the review team collected - there is not so much on M&E - but definitely there is a discussion of results, indicators etc. in there somewhere .  The review did include some DFID work in Pakistan too 

I hope it may help

Thanks a lot Helen!

Here is an email response from Prof Ian Goldman



If people are interested there are some evaluations in South Africa on violence against women and children available here. You can also download the improvement plan.







Professor Ian Goldman

Advisor: Evaluation and Evidence Systems

Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results, Anglophone Africa (CLEAR-AA), University of Witwatersrand

Adjunct Professor, Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, University of Cape Town

Visiting Professor, University of Reading, UK

Dear Ali:

I would recommend you to review, at the same time, some experiences of National Observatories on GBV. In the case of my country (Peru), you can see: https://observatorioviolencia.pe/ (sorry, it is Spanish, but there is a tool for its translation). This kind of mechanism contribute to produce knowledge to understand GBV and define courses of action around this problem.

In the following link you will find our national plan against GBV. Its M&E framework is defined from page 10 to page 17:


If you need further explanation, we could have a Skype / Zoom session. Let me know.

Carlos Javier.

Dear Ali,

You may get more specific/focused suggestions if you share your program's M&E framework. The M&E framework needs to be informed by your program objectives and related activities for each objective of your program. Basically, there needs to be clear links between your program objective, the activities, and indicators of measuring the outcome of the program objectives. I hope this is useful. All the best.


Dear Ali,

I worked with UNIFEM in 2009 to clarify data elements necessary to monitor domestic violence legislation in southeastern Europe: www.unifem.sk/uploads/doc/Improving DataCollectionOnVAW.pdf.

Kind regards,

Lori K. Sudderth


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