Evalpartners through EvalGender+ http://www.mymande.org/evalgender is aiming to bring together those interested in gender-responsive and equity-focused evaluations. Concept note is attached.

EvalGender+ will be launched at Parliament of Nepal on 25th Nov 2015. We are having a brainstorming meeting in Kathmandu on 24th Nov.Can't attend this meeting but would like to engage in EvalGender+? We need your inputs on the following:

1.     What would EvalGender+ be at its best? What is your dream for EvalGender+? Where do you see it in the year 2025?

2.     Who would be a part of this partnership?

3.     What activities will it be undertaking by 2025?

4.     How would the Evalgender+ be governed?

Please send your inputs in form of text, video or a drawing by 18th Nov. I will compile your responses and share in Kathmandu meeting which will be incorporated in the dream for EvalGender+. I promise to share the common dream back with you.

In case of any queries please contact Rituu B Nanda- rituubnanda@feministevaluation.org

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Hello everyone!

Here you are my answers:

1.     What would EvalGender+ be at its best? What is your dream for EvalGender+? Where do you see it in the year 2025?

In the future I would like to continue as useful and inteseresting that is right now and in the mean time I also would like to find a site to obtain more resources and sharing with people with different backgrounds profiles and cultures all over the world in order to get a huge knowledge oin gender issues. 

2.     Who would be a part of this partnership?

Obviously, mainly people interested in gender and evaluation. On the other hand it would be nice to include civil societies organisations (CSO), governments, NGOs and people in general. 

3.     What activities will it be undertaking by 2025?

It is difficult to planning at the moment.

4.     How would the Evalgender+ be governed?

Evalgender would be governed with equity and equility from his members and associates. It will be better if democracy is in the center of all decisions and opinions and of course with womens participation and representation. A better world with women in the world!

Thank you very much asking me to contribute in this fantastic project!

Warm regards.

Paloma Lafuente

Ndeye Fatou Diop, Dakar, Senegal

 What would EvalGender+ be at its best? What is your dream for EvalGender+? Where do you see it in the year 2025?

My dream is " Empowering women and disadvantaged social groups who will be fully participate in development activities and help build stronger communities. 

2.     Who would be a part of this partnership?

Communities especially women and disadvantaged groups, Civil societies, NGO, Government bodies, policy makers, INGO and Donors communities.

3.     What activities will it be undertaking by 2025?

Gender and social inclusion sensitive monitoring and evaluation methodologies for tracking overall progress and advancement of women and disadvantaged communities.

Capacity building on gender sensitive M & E methodologies

4.     How would the Evalgender+ be governed?

Partnership with national level NGO in respective country.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide some of my views. 

1. My vision for EvalGender- that it will be a hub for information on evaluation on gender and a platform where experiences will be pulled together and shared and point place for anyone who wants to know , learn more on gender and evaluation.

2. I think the platform should be open to those who are interested and are able to contribute actively to help it grow and be rich in content

3. i think there will be a rich body of evidence and lessons that demonstrate the need, effectiveness and contribution of evaluation of gender issues for the achievement of progress for global, regional and country level growth

4. Not sure I have a thought on the governance structure yet. Sorry.


Hi, here my inputs...good luck in Katmandu!

  1. What would EvalGender+ be at its best? What is your dream for EvalGender+? Where do you see it in the year 2025?

In the year 2025 EvalGender+ is a well-known and widely recognized multi-actor platform. It has successfully advocated to make gender equality and social equity globally recognized and effectively implemented as quality criteria of all development evaluations.  Thus, gender equality and social equity are included in:

  • Evaluation standards.

  • Evaluator competencies profiles.

  • Evaluation systems, bodies, networks.

  • Evaluation academic programs/capacity building.

2. Who would be a part of this partnership?

  • Bilateral and multilateral cooperation agencies.

  • Governments.

  • Civil society organizations (NGOs, social movements, feminist organizations)

  • VOPEs

  • Universities & other academic centers.


3. What activities will it be undertaking by 2025?

To achieve its dream, EvalGender+ would need to undertake activities to:

  • Strengthen its presence and recognition in the different regions (language and cultural brokering)

  • Learn and exchange from different experiences and perspectives (knowledge management).

  • Build consensus (multi-actor dialogue)

  • Develop political and technical proposals.

  • Advocate.

  • Learn and improve form its own experience (systematization; pilot experiences)

  • Advise/accompany/monitor evaluation of the SDGs.

4. How would the Evalgender+ be governed?

  • A multi-stakeholder, multi-regional council that will provide the general political and strategic guidelines, on an annual basis.

  • A board that will represent EvalGender+ and have the strategic leadership.

  • A secretariat responsible for day-to-day operations.

  • Regional focus points.

  • Thematic taskforces (permanent and/or needs-based).

Stanley Joseph Evaluation needs to be owned by the communities. We should focus more on how communities can be a key stakeholder while planning the evaluation and give them the ownership to decide on the indicators and tools. Stanley Joseph Firstly, there should be a community based planning to outline what you want to achieve from the project. Only if there is engagement in the inception, there will be relevance while involving communities during evaluation. By doing this we set indicators and targets based on community expectations and aspirations. Secondly, involve the target communities in each phase of project whether it be review or consultations. Thirdly, consultants, donor organisations and funders need to understand the importance of community based planning before initiation of project and allocate a good budget for it. Once the community started owning the project from the initial stage you the relationship will not be a top down approach which is a major barrier for the evaluation process. Finally, evaluation for whom? Dissemination for whom? and Change for whom?....

Dear Rituu, let me present my dream and vision for EvalGender+ in general terms:

By 2025, EvalGender+ is a group of evaluators, including development actors from different sectors of the society, strongly committed to the principles of equality, inclusion and defense of human rights, who have become active SOCIAL ACTIVISTS successfully promoting demand and use evaluations with a gender approach to monitor and evaluate the commitments made by many countries for the Development Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The main activity of EvalGender+ will be to build LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY capacities at every level so that different sectors associated with evaluation, such as the academy, individual practitioners, civil society organizations and decision makers in the public sector will develop the related COMPETENCIES needed to build, manage and evaluate development policies, programs and projects that are gender-sensitive and based on evidence.

Partners involved in this global association should also include non-traditional actors such as Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), especially women’s organizations. Members of EvalGender+ should work closely linked with other actors in the evaluation field and EvalPartners so as to ensure that the gender equality and social equity approach will be incorporated as a QUALITY REQUIREMENT in evaluations.

The governance decided for EvalGender+ will necessarily need to have REGIONAL REPRESENTATION and ensure inclusion and intercultural exchange so that the advances and failures in the process of planning, monitoring and evaluation of SDGs are shared and analyzed with respect of different contexts and actors. Measures to correct any deviations in the SDG should be made visible and accountability should be reinforced. 


1. What is your dream for EvalGender+? 

Strengthened national capacities for gender - responsive and equity focused evaluation and harmonized national legislation.

2. Where do you see it in the year 2025?

Commitment to EvalGender+ 

3. Who would be a part of this partnership?

Governments, CSOs, regional and global organisations/associations.

4. What activities will it be undertaking by 2025?

Developed and implemented National plan on EvalGender+

5. How would the Evalgender+ be governed?

On national level through EvalGender+ body/ organisation


Ms. Trang Ho Morton

Research and Evaluation Specialist


  1. What would EvalGender+ be at its best? What is your dream for EvalGender+? Where do you see it in the year 2025? A concerted effort by the international community do quality evaluations of programmes and projects that focus on gender and equity issues and how each intervention affects different groups of people.
  2. Who would be a part of this partnership? The international development community, such as NGOs, INGOs, UN and other development partners interested in evaluations and their multifaceted approaches.
  3. What activities will it be undertaking by 2025? More equity-focused and gender-sensitive evaluations of high quality with a broader mandate to share and incorporate into future programming.
  4. How would the Evalgender+ be governed? Open-source; by those who would like to be part of it.




Umi Hanik, Indonesia

  1. What would EvalGender+ be at its best? What is your dream for EvalGender+? Where do you see it in the year 2025?
-Develop a standard guide for gender evaluation
-Promote equity to be added formally as evaluation criteria under DAC evaluation criteria
-More new gender sensitive evaluators 
-More advocacy and M&E debates to attract more innovative ideas on better measuring the equity in particular gender equity, with ultimate goal to be able to produce high quality and prominent gender sensitive evaluators (national and international)
2. Who would be a part of this partnership?
-National/regional evaluation society to be actively involved
3. What activities will it be undertaking by 2025?
-set a medium and longterm target to be nationally/regionally executed during the mid-long period and to be globally measured during Global conference in 2025
4. How would the Evalgender+ be governed?
- using global evaluation network through national and regional evaluation societies
- in addition to the work run by national and regional evaluation society, at the global level, it is expected to have the global board as the driving force at global level
- around 7 board members is expected to sit in the board of the global evalgender seats to run the work that include: design global action plan, promote to and engage more with national/regional eval societies listed in IOCE/Evalpartners, coordination and monitoring of all evalgender activities being done by national/regional eval societies
Who is the board members and how to select them? We can set a certain criteria but in my opinion the main criteria is to have at least 7 years min evaluation experiences and very active in the national/regional eval societies
- Selection process: based on criteria then select/put one representative from each prominent/outstanding national/regional evaluation societies that promote equity/gender evaluation, particularly we can put strong female evaluation association leaders to motivate more evaluators to be active and promote more eval gender works
- the selection can be done by veto or voting to listed candidates being nominated (but voting is more complicated)
- to be able to do this, evalgender need to keep on eye to the national/regional eval societies activity to identify who is very active, inspiring, etc
- evalgender will need sufficient funding including to award small grant for national eval societies to work on one important/influential agenda (need to be discussed further on what kind of activity that need to be executed globally)

Jacqueline Storey, Australia

My vision would simply be that EvalGender+ is a great community and space for sharing and promoting a focus on gender in our evaluation work.  We had a great session here yesterday under the AES – NGO Evaluation Capacity Building series, where one of the presenters put the challenge to us that all evaluations should be gender focused/responsive, not just evaluations for specific gender programs.  I think this is so important – if we aren’t looking at gendered power dynamics and how they structure participation in and impact of development programs, then what are we doing?!


I’ve also really enjoyed the other Eval Partners initiatives like the e-learning modules etc – that they give you access to amazing academics and practitioners from around the world, so it will be great to have this in EvalGender+ as well. 


So they are my rambled thoughts! 


Kind regards,



1.     What would EvalGender+ be at its best? What is your dream for EvalGender+? Where do you see it in the year 2025?

My vision for EvalGender+ encompasses the idea that attention will be paid to how to be inclusive of members of marginalized communities using a feminist lens that allows for inclusion of all forms that gender takes as well as being inclusive of dimensions of diversity that are associated with discrimination and diversity, e.g., lesbians with disabilities; men who are from lower castes, etc.

2.     Who would be a part of this partnership?

The parternships should reflect civil society and universities and government and foundations as a way to insure that funding is available, expertise can be shared, and voices of marginalized communities are included in meaningful ways.

3.     What activities will it be undertaking by 2025?

Building capacity of individual evaluators who represent diversity in terms of gender and other characteristics associated with discrimination and oppression needs to be a major part of the activities. In addition, building capacity of VOPEs to be inclusive and to provide a venue for increasing the demand for evaluation is important. Also, influencing government and parliaments to demand high quality evaluations that are responsive to gender and other characteristics associated with discrimination and oppression is critically important. This means that evaluators must develop persuasive communication with governments and parliaments and good evaluation is needed to promote the cultural and structural changes needed for social transformation.

4.     How would the Evalgender+ be governed?

Evalgender+ needs to have a chair and members who are globally representative of marginalized communities with formal connection to EvalPartners so that it has a structural home.


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