Michaela Raab
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  • Berlin
  • Germany
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Several calls from medica mondiale

Started this discussion. Last reply by Pandu Hailonga-van Dijk Sep 7, 2020. 3 Replies

The German NGO medica mondiale has launched a series of calls for literature reviews and for evaluations in the field of survivors of violence against women and girls in conflict settings. Please…Continue

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Michaela Raab replied to Rituu B Nanda's discussion Consultation : The next phase of Gender and Evaluation Community (Eng/French/Spanish)
"Dear Rituu, Many thanks for this initiative. Gosh, has it really been a decade that you have run this community platform? Time flies! Most of the time I have been a passive consumer of the community, occasionally reading the updates or looking up a…"
Mar 9, 2023
Pandu Hailonga-van Dijk replied to Michaela Raab's discussion Several calls from medica mondiale
"Dear Michaela, thank you so much for sharing. Kind regards Pandu"
Sep 7, 2020
Cecilia Deme liked Michaela Raab's discussion Several calls from medica mondiale
Sep 3, 2020
Michaela Raab replied to Michaela Raab's discussion Several calls from medica mondiale
"The third and last instalment of medica mondiale calls"
Sep 3, 2020
Michaela Raab replied to Michaela Raab's discussion Several calls from medica mondiale
"And this is the second instalment of medica mondiale calls!"
Sep 3, 2020
Michaela Raab posted a discussion

Several calls from medica mondiale

The German NGO medica mondiale has launched a series of calls for literature reviews and for evaluations in the field of survivors of violence against women and girls in conflict settings. Please have a look; they are a great organisation to work with! As I can attach only three files here, the calls will be posted in several instalments. Here's the first.See More
Sep 3, 2020
Michaela Raab commented on Michaela Raab's blog post Theory of Change Workshop Online - pre-COVID-19
"Thank you Rick for recommending parevo! I'll get in touch if I'll try it out!  Regards, Michaela  "
Jul 14, 2020
Michaela Raab posted a status
"Dear all, I have wildly enjoyed the IPDET evaluation hackathon! LIKE our project page if you like it: https://evalhack.org/project/67"
Jul 14, 2020
Aida El Khoury de Paula liked Michaela Raab's blog post Theory of Change Workshop Online - pre-COVID-19
May 7, 2020
Rick Davies commented on Michaela Raab's blog post Theory of Change Workshop Online - pre-COVID-19
"Hi Michaela You may be interested in a free-to-use web app I have been trialling, which enables the collaborative online development of multiple storylines about alternative futures, called ParEvo,described here One of its possible uses is as an…"
Apr 6, 2020
Rituu B Nanda commented on Michaela Raab's blog post Theory of Change Workshop Online - pre-COVID-19
"Thanks Sylvia for drawing our attention to very critical points. "
Apr 6, 2020
Sylvie Cordier commented on Michaela Raab's blog post Theory of Change Workshop Online - pre-COVID-19
"Just a couple of suggestions in order to be inclusive of persons with disabilities with sensory impairment ( visual and hearing particularly). This does not apply only in this instance of looking at ToC but in any webinars you may want to…"
Apr 6, 2020
Waleed Haddadin liked Michaela Raab's blog post Theory of Change Workshop Online - pre-COVID-19
Apr 6, 2020
Barbara Klugman commented on Michaela Raab's blog post Theory of Change Workshop Online - pre-COVID-19
"Hi Michaela, thanks for this. I'm busy looking for affordable and effective online workshop platforms and one I bumped into is : https://pinup.com/ which is literally only post-its that you can move around on a cork board, change their…"
Apr 2, 2020
Michaela Raab replied to Rituu B Nanda's discussion Online meetings/events-:Resources & experiences
"Taking into account participants' care responsibilities is of paramount importance when you organise on-line workshops in times of lock-down. I have just written a short piece on my own…"
Mar 30, 2020
Michaela Raab commented on Michaela Raab's blog post Theory of Change Workshop Online - pre-COVID-19
"Hello Rituu,  Thank you for the excellent questions! The workshop as such took about two hours and a half. This worked because the participants in the room were fully aware of sharing the virtual space with those outside of the room, and kept…"
Mar 27, 2020

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people-centred development
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English, French, German, Mandarin Chinese, Dutch, some Italian and Spanish

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Michaela Raab's Blog

Theory of Change Workshop Online - pre-COVID-19

Posted on March 26, 2020 at 19:04 7 Comments

Inspired by Barbara Klugman's extremely helpful blog on her virtual theory of change workshop, I would like to contribute a few lines on my recent experience with visualising across different remote sites.

Our workshop was not about building a theory of change from scratch, but about enriching and validating the theory of change my evaluation team had reconstructed. The workshop was not totally "virtual" either: We held it in a meeting room of the organisation that had commissioned…


Many thanks for the interest in our poster

Posted on October 14, 2014 at 16:40 1 Comment

Many thanks for the friendly comments about our poster! For those who wish to learn more about the research, feel free to visit the dedicated site www.evawreview.de and download the full review report. It comes with an executive summary.

To answer Rituu's question; I believe that one reason for our success is that the form in which we present findings from Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) is quite novel. Also, we put much effort into making…


Our award-winning poster at the EES conference

Posted on October 6, 2014 at 15:00 6 Comments

My associate Wolfgang Stuppert and have been delighted about the 'best poster award' we won at the recent biennial conference of the European Evaluation Society (EES). This is because we have invested lots of time and effort to figure out how to present the rather complicated results of our Qualitative Comparative Analysis of 39 evaluations in the field of violence against women and girls. We're glad our efforts have been rewarded.…


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At 11:42 on December 8, 2015, Rituu B Nanda said…

A very happy birthday!!

At 23:56 on December 8, 2014, Rituu B Nanda said…

Happy birthday Michaela!

At 11:05 on October 3, 2014, Rituu B Nanda said…

Poster awarded at EES onference, authors are Michaela Raab and Wolfgang Stuppert...congratulations Michaela!

At 14:53 on September 29, 2014, Rituu B Nanda said…

Dear Michaela,

A warm welcome!

I invite you to post a blog or start a discussion about gender, evaluation or share your documents, events, photos and videos.

We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with colleagues from all over the world. Under the Tab ‘Members’ you can find members who share similar interest.

To know more about Feminist Evaluation, please visit www.feministevaluation.org/. You can follow us on Twitter: feministeval and facebook https://www.facebook.com/#!/EngenderingPolicyThroughEvaluation?fref=ts

Again, we are very happy to have your voice on this platform and look forward to your contributions.

Let language not be a barrier, feel free to post in any language. If you want support contact rituubnanda[@]feministevaluation.org or the help page http://gendereval.ning.com/page/help

Warm regards,



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