Monthly Corner

Astha Ramaiya Articles

Girls' Education Challenge - Working Paper, 2024

SIAS Publications, 2024

Ellen Hagerman and Ai-Ju Huang - Blog, December 2024

IEG & World Bank Group Publication - 2024

This evaluation assesses World Bank Group support to address gender inequalities between fiscal years 2012 and 2023.

IEG & World Bank - Blog

A new evaluation of a decade’s worth of World Bank Group support for gender equality offers insights and lessons to inform the implementation of the institution’s ambitious, new gender strategy.

Utthan & Edel Give Foundation Publication - 2024

This zine, commissioned by Utthan and supported by EdelGive Foundation, captures the essence of a qualitative evaluation,Transformative Narratives: Storytelling for Evaluation and Organizational Learning through a Gender Justice Lens, of a multi-themed project implemented by Utthan over 2021-2024.  Piloting Storytelling as a means of Learning & Evaluation has been of immense value to us as a team and the communities we serve.

‘Ownership’ of evaluation & evaluative mindset in communities – key to achieving the goal of No one left behind

‘Ownership’ of evaluation & evaluative mindset in communities – key to achieving the goal of No one left behind 

We often use the term community participation in evaluation but do we reflect enough on the degree and depth of this engagement?“Use of participatory tools alone do not guarantee ‘ownership’. Evaluation can be a largely extractive process of getting data from the communitiesdid the communities have a say in what data has to be collected?” (LaiaGriñó (2015), DME for peace webinar).In “Theory of ownership” Philip Forth argues, “When I decide what to do and I do it, then I have taken ownership.” When communities own the evaluation process, they develop an evaluative mindset and can act based on evidence. “Unless ‘beneficiaries’ develop the practice of asking critical questions that will solicit answers affecting their lives, they will always be spectators in their own development.” (Samuel D. Braimah, Embracing Evaluative Thinking for Better Outcomes: Four NGO Case Studies).

Constellation’s[1]Community Life Competence aims to foster ownershipthrough action learning cycle from planning to self-assessment. For example, in 90 villages of Assam (India) we used family and community-centered approach to immunization where youth have played a key role. Community members collectively learned about the current status on an issue, compiled an action plan and tracked their own progress.

I will give you an example of self-assessment done by a group from the community in the photo given. Men, women and youth developed their dream for health of their children particularly through immunization. When the group assessed what the current situation in terms of their dream was, it provoked a conversation. Women said that children sometimes missed their immunization schedule because it was the responsibility of the mothers and when mothers were busy with other chores they did not take their children for vaccination. Fathers did take responsibility for the health of the children like in cases of fever but in vaccination they did not see the importance. On the other hand when there were side effects due to vaccination, fathers sometimes even asked the mothers to stop the schedule. Male youth argued that as men are busy working for the family’s livelihood how can they take this responsibility. Women said that children will then continue to miss their vaccination schedule. Some of the youth smiled said that not only fathers but other members of the family also need to take responsibility for health of the children. Then together the group drafted an action plan on how to go about it.

Thus, we see that community members began to own the entire project cycle from design to assessment. Self-assessment provoked a conversation and action. Adults valued the contribution of youth, youth recognized the importance of immunization and were keen to ensure it for their own children. Youth learned to think critically. Additionally, family-centred approach ensured that the onus of health of the children was not solely on the mother.

We often face several challenges in engaging communities like power dynamics based on age, gender, caste, religion, ethnicity etc.Communities may not trust their own capacity to respond to an issue and are dependent on outside support and power dynamics between communities and development professionals.Strength-based process helps to foster ownership, address power structures and build trust. It (strengths-based approach) assumes that people are capable of solving problems and learning new skills, that they are a part of the process rather than just being guided by a professional (Alliance for Children and Youth of Waterloo Region, 2009).

For contextual and realistic evaluation on issues related to communities,let us create human-centered conditions and make participation less cosmetic and more substantial. For achieving SDGs, all stakeholders have a key role to play. Communities need to shoulder the responsibility, then, ‘no one will be left behind’.



 (part of my presentation at European Evaluation Society Conference Oct 2018 which was done in collaboration with Fabiola Amariles, and Svetlana Negroustoueva, from EvalGender+, as well as Gerardo Sánchez and Claudia Olavarría, from EvalYouth LAC.  Find the blog on all presentations in the panel Thanks to Margot de Ruiter and Dr Banda Rao for inputs on this blog.)

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Comment by Rituu B Nanda on January 3, 2019 at 23:27

Sandwidi, great example of why communities should be charge of their own development.

Google translate in EnglishIn one region of Burkina Faso, a project was set up to help Peulh women become more financially independent and to better educate their daughters. However, the project did not take into account the specific needs of these women (housework, childcare, ...). Clearly, women were beneficiaries and not actors of the project. At the end of the project, the women were still poor because it was their husbands who sold the milk in their place and kept the income. Also, there were more girls out of school because their mothers could not cope with the work and preferred that their daughters stay with them at home.

Comment by SANDWIDI on January 3, 2019 at 21:31
Dans une région du Burkina Faso, un projet a été mis en place pour aider les femmes Peulhs à être plus autonomes sur le plan financier et à mieux scolariser leurs filles. Cependant, le projet n'a pas tenu compte des besoins spécifiques de ces femmes (travaux de ménage, soins apportés aux enfants, ...). En clair, les femmes ont été bénéficiaires et non actrices du projet. A la fin du projet, les femmes étaient toujours pauvres car c'est leurs épous qui vendaient le lait à leur place et gardaient les revenus. Aussi, il y avait plus de filles déscolarisées car leurs mères n'arrivaient pas à supporter les travaux et préféraient que leurs filles restent les aider à la maison.
Comment by Rituu B Nanda on January 3, 2019 at 20:12

This is a a powerful statement Sandwidi. Would you have any experience to share in this? Merci

Comment by SANDWIDI on January 3, 2019 at 20:06
Pour que personne ne soit laisser pour compte, les parties prenantes doivent être des actrices et non des bénéficiaires.

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