Monthly Corner

Keri Culver Blog - January 2025

It is about evaluation in the field, and while gender will be an important part of the content, it is not explicitly or totally dedicated to gender in evaluation topics.

New Monitoring and Evaluation website

We are currently publishing a series on Post-Distribution Monitoring, with more MEAL-related topics and articles to come. We also welcome suggestions for future content.

Urban Management Centre Publication

This guide aims to enhance livelihoods and create a supportive environment for street vendors in India. It also highlights the specific needs of women street vendors and how cities can adopt a gender-responsive approach to planning.

CGIAR Blog  -  January 2025

Kore Global Blogs

Hi everyone, I have been looking around for case studies that have adopted systems thinking and gender-transformative lens together in evaluation. I work with ISST which runs a Gender Transformative Evaluation course for early and mid career professionals and we are developing some new material for the same. Request you to share any case study in the above area which can be shared for teaching the concepts. Also, we would be glad to give credits for the case that will be used in the course. Would appreciate kind assistance on the matter. Kind regards.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Sheena,

This publication has a lot of examples

Stephens, A., Lewis, E. D., & Reddy, S. (2018). Inclusive Systemic Evaluation for Gender Equality, Environments and Marginalized Voices (ISE4GEMs): a new approach for the SDG era.

Hope it helps


Hi Sheena, 

At Oxfam did thorough mixed methods impact evaluations (based on the PIALA approach) in three countries (Bangladesh, Tajikistan and Zambia) for an inclusive market systems development initiative.

I wanted to highlight the . There was one particularly 'gender transformative intervention' that actually led to a change in women's land rights (within only a few years!). Here is the one from Zambia as well:

We were investigating whether there had been systemic and transformative change for women - but also were experimenting with more feminist methods of evaluation (I would also put in the 'gender transformative' category because the process of the evaluation was very reflective on power relations in and through evaluation, was very participatory and focused on change, among other things).

Happy to discuss if you're interested.

Thanks a lot Miranda. Appreciate your inputs!


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