Call for papers on evidence based policy and think tanks(gender focus)

Dear all:

I am currently working at On Think Tanks ( platform that provides advice and services to think tanks and research centres) and we have partnered with the University of Bath and Universidad del Pacífico to produce a Working Papers Series. The Series is focused on the study of think tanks and evidence informed policy (see our research agenda for a more specific description). And I would like to invite all members to submit, maybe you a have a report or study that you would like to publish. Out themes are varied, but all relate to on think tanks and on evidence informed policy world-wide. I am very interested in including gender more in the publications, so if anyone has a paper or even an idea that you would like to turn into a paper please let me know.



Papers will be peer review by our panel with representatives from Bath and  Universidad del Pacífico (Perú), and there is no deadline for submissions as we will be reviewing them on an ongoing basis. We have just published the first paper of the series (links below):


Paper in Medium



Thinking about Trump: American think tanks and their new political ...



There is no deadline for submissions and we will be reviewing them on an ongoing basisYou can submit papers in English or Spanish (we will then produce a summary in the “other” language).


I am coordinating the series, please write to me  (   if you have any questions.  And please share the call with any colleagues you think might be interested.



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Thanks for posting Andrea!


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