Hiwot Tedla - Blog
Suneha Kandpal Publications
Kennedy OULU - Report on "Most Significant Change"
Webinar: Evaluation for Transformational Change On 7 April 2020 UNICEF Evaluation Office, EVALSDGs and IDEAS hosted a Webinar on “Evaluation for Transformational Change”. The webinar was based on IDEAS’s recently published book “Evaluation for Transformational Change: Opportunities and challenge...” of which the webinar speakers Rob D. van den Berg and Cristina Magro are editors of.
Watch the full video recording of the webinar here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrBC9QTQqwg&feature=youtu.be
August 2019
Discussion led by Molly Cannon
This webinar provided an overview of the orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) indicator matrix.
webinar recording- Gender Concerns in the Time of the Pandemic: Safeguarding our Well Being
27th July 2020
Equity-focused and gender transformative OM principles and practices
Thanks to Caspar Merkle for sharing!
UN Women Webinar on 25 Feb 2021 “Evaluation Lessons on Women Economic Empowerment (WEE)” to discuss lessons from our 2nd series of UN Women ESA Evaluation Knowledge Products produced in 2020.
We are pleased to share the recording from our recent webinar “Evaluation Lessons on Women Economic Empowerment (WEE)”. A Big Thank You to the panelists and the 30+ participants! The webinar recording is available here.
Best regards,
Caspar Merkle
Regional Evaluation Specialist
UN Women Regional Office for Eastern and
Southern Africa
webinar “How to create a gender responsive pandemic plan: addressing the secondary effects of COVID-19”, hosted by the Gender & COVID-19 Project and the Johns Hopkins Centre for Women’s Health, Sex, and Gender Research.
We are happy to report that the webinar is now available online: https://www.genderandcovid-19.org/webinar/learn-more-gender-respons.... Also included is a write up of the webinar by Lynda Keeru! Closed captioning is also available on the webinar, which you can turn on by clicking on ‘CC’ at the bottom of the video.
Presentations included:
You can also access the associated brief here: https://www.genderandcovid-19.org/resources/how-to-create-a-gender-....
Kind regards,
Rosemary Morgan, PhD
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
EvalForward and EvalGender+
Good practices in Gender Responsive Evaluation by Florencia Tateossian link
Gender transformative framework in IFAD by Johanna Pennarz and Eoghan Molloy link
Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index by Natalia Kosheleva link
Feminist Influences in CGIAR WHEAT evaluation by Donna Podems link
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