Books on collaborative methods in international development evaluation

Hello All!
Recently I was asked to compile a list of authors / books I find useful in informing my work on collaborative methods in evaluation. I came up with the following list , where not all authors talk about collaboration but bring up some great points about working in the international development context. I would be grateful if you could add to this list!

1. Patton - principle- focused and utilization- focused evaluation - and developmental evaluation
2. Mertens, D. M., & Wilson, A. T. (2012). Program evaluation theory and practice: A comprehensive guide. New York, NY: Guilford Press. - This volume is great for explaining the multiple branches of the evaluation tree
3. J.B. Cousins - participatory evaluation
4. Elizabeth Whitmore - transformative participatory evaluation
5. Fetterman - emancipatory evaluation
6. Rodney Hopson and Stafford Hood - culturally-responsive evaluation
7. Bamberger - Complexities in international development evaluation
8. Irene Guijt - Participatory evaluation
9. Offir - development evaluation
10. Donna Podems - Democratic Evaluation


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Hi Akashi,

possibly this book is also useful: 'Managing for Sustainable Development Impact. An Integrated Approach to Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation' :  it is published in April 2017

It builds on the earlier work of Irene Guijt  and Jim Woodhill (2002) , and we have expanded on the approach over the years.  Very much works from a participatory and learning oriented perspective.

Kind regards,

Cecile Kusters

Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

Dear Cecile,

Thanks! Am particularly interested in participation in M&E.



Hi Akashi

My suggestion:

Wadsworth, Yoland, 'Building in research and evaluation: Human inquiry for living systems 2010

Janet Congues

FamilyCare, Australia


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