Monthly Corner

Keri Culver Blog - January 2025

It is about evaluation in the field, and while gender will be an important part of the content, it is not explicitly or totally dedicated to gender in evaluation topics.

New Monitoring and Evaluation website

We are currently publishing a series on Post-Distribution Monitoring, with more MEAL-related topics and articles to come. We also welcome suggestions for future content.

Urban Management Centre Publication

This guide aims to enhance livelihoods and create a supportive environment for street vendors in India. It also highlights the specific needs of women street vendors and how cities can adopt a gender-responsive approach to planning.

CGIAR Blog  -  January 2025

Koreglobal Blogs

Looking for support on developing capacity on gender responsive M&E


I was wondering if there is/are any institutions that provide training to gender experts on gender responsive monitoring and evaluation. Does it exist, or would a monitoring and evaluation expert do the job if they work with gender experts? 



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WB has a gender in m&e guideline, I am sharing


I feel you have given her the best answer to her question.

Dear Seble,

You may get other materials herein attached: 

  1. ACTIL - Training Manual Gender Responsive Transformative NEC_Final
  2. A practical guide to Gender-sensitive Approaches for Disaster Management
  3. A gender sensitivity resource pack:  Community safety training, outreach, and advocacy in Nepal

About institutions offering Gender-responsive M&E Training, you may try the free online course supported by UNICEF and EvalPartners at

You may also have to apply for the IPDET Training at Carleton University:

All the very best in your search.

Awuor PONGE.

Dear Seble,

I tried to attach the three documents in vain, but you should be able to get them online. Let me look for the links. Click on each of the titles to download them:

  1. ACTIL - Training Manual Gender Responsive Transformative NEC_Final
  2. A practical guide to Gender-sensitive Approaches for Disaster Manag...
  3. A gender sensitivity resource pack:  Community safety training, out...

I hope this helps now.

All the very best in your reading!

Dear Seble,

The African Gender & Development Evaluation  Network (AGDEN) does just that - provides training on gender & human rights responsive training.

We are a continental network but can organise training for an institution if required. If you wish to pursue this please email me at  

I see the World Bank document sent to you. In my humble opinion it is very dated i.e. old although it is useful it is long and does not sufficiently give much how-to help.  

The resources that Awour has posted are also quite useful.

Do let me know if you wish to continue this conversation.


Florence Etta

Dear Dr. Etta,

Thanks for the reminder about AGDEN Training. How could I forget our AGDEN surely?

I hope Seble will be able to get in touch with you about the AGDEN Training.


Awuor PONGE.


World Bank manual on Gender Issues in Monitoring and Evaluation is exhaustive one.



Exhaustive but surely dated!!!
It uses the phrase 'gender sensitive' when the discourse has moved on to more active words and talk!


At ACTIL we have this module which is already tested, reviewed and adopted for learning. kindly have a look at it on the link given up. I would be glad to offer more information on the same. I am in charge of Programs and it would my pleasure and that of ACTIL to work with you on this. best wishes

Hi Denke,

Here's the link for UN WOMEN's How to Manage Gender Responsive Evaluation

All the best and kind regards,


Hi Seble

Our gender team at KIT could offer that kind of training. ( Feel free to get in touch,



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