INTRODUCTIONThe training will conclusively handle issues to do with the understanding gender, gender awareness and advocacy, human rights, and gender based violence, gender analysis, integration and gender mainstreaming, leadership and governance and gender budgeting.DURATION5 DaysTRAINING CONTENTModule 1: Introduction to GenderDefinition of genderDifference between gender and sexGender related conceptsConcept of gender mainstreamingModule 2: Gender Awareness, Lobbying and AdvocacyConcepts of…See More
Event Details: Training on Achievement of Gender Equity in Development ProjectsINTRODUCTIONThis training is aimed at building the capacity and commitment of participants to undertake programs targeted at eradicating gender-based violence and to develop a new movement for gender equality.This course offers a detailed examination of the concepts of gender, gender-based violence, sexuality, and rights. It further seeks to explore the…See More
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