The Evaluation Community of India (ECOI) was launched by Ms. Sindhushree Khullar, CEO, NITI Aayog, Government of India on October 16, 2015. ECOI seeks to promote knowledge sharing in the area of M&E for high quality, credible and useful evaluations for more effective programs and policies in India.The group also seeks to contribute to formal capacity building at various levels by:a) setting standardsb) advocating demand for and practice of evaluation, andc) developing norms of competencies…See More
Thanks for uploading your profile picture. Hope you will will share your experience with us. We have some members in the community working in the field of agriculture.
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We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with colleagues from all over the world. Under the Tab ‘Members’ you can find members who share similar interest.
Again, we are very happy to have your voice on this platform and look forward to your contributions.
Let language not be a barrier, feel free to post in any language. If you want support contact rituubnanda[@] or the help page
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Thanks for uploading your profile picture. Hope you will will share your experience with us. We have some members in the community working in the field of agriculture.
Dear Ravinder,
A warm welcome!
Please add your profile photo as it adds a personal touch. (sign in, go to 'settings' on right hand column and then 'upload photo')
Post a blog or start a discussion about gender, evaluation or share your documents, events, photos and videos.
We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with colleagues from all over the world. Under the Tab ‘Members’ you can find members who share similar interest.
To know more about Feminist Evaluation, please visit You can follow us on Twitter: feministeval and facebook!/EngenderingPolicyThroughEvaluation?fref=ts
Again, we are very happy to have your voice on this platform and look forward to your contributions.
Let language not be a barrier, feel free to post in any language. If you want support contact rituubnanda[@] or the help page
Warm regards,