Hiwot Tedla - Blog
Suneha Kandpal Publications
Kennedy OULU - Report on "Most Significant Change"
Soledad Muniz has not received any gifts yet
Posted on December 15, 2015 at 17:09 4 Comments 4 Likes
Hi everyone, I thought you'd be interested in our latest publication: a toolkit to use Participatory Video combined with MSC http://www.insightshare.org/resources/pv-and-msc-guide
Please feel free to read it, review it, use it and share it!
We would love to hear your thoughts about…
ContinuePosted on November 21, 2014 at 18:30 2 Comments 1 Like
In August 2014, InsightShare trainers traveled to Moldova as part of an external evaluation in partnership with Impact Ready on the Women's Economic Empowerment global portfolio of UN Women.
Our trainers supported a local team made of government staff and rural women to listen to 54 women and men in Riscani district. The women and men themselves selected and filmed six most significant stories of change. The local team then analysed the stories and provided some…
Posted on October 30, 2014 at 0:27 0 Comments 1 Like
Another field visit has passed like the wind. It left rich learning behind for all of us: for you and me. It’s been a pleasure really to hear local facilitators in Guyana, Cameroon, South Africa and the Philippines reflect on the legacy and sustainability of Participatory Video in their communities, alongside Jay Mistry from…
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A very happy birthday ! Thanks for your valuable contribution to the community
Happy birthday Soledad!!
A very happy birthday Soledad. Warm wishes!
Dear Soledad,
A warm welcome!
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Again, we are very happy to have your voice on this platform and look forward to your contributions.
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Warm regards,