Hiwot Tedla - Blog
Suneha Kandpal Publications
Kennedy OULU - Report on "Most Significant Change"
Dear all,
I am looking for examples of recent good/bad practice for women's economic empowerment. If anyone has any practical examples of what works and what works less well - especially through the fora of vocational and skills training, I'd love to hear from you.
It is to support project design of women's centres for vocational training and skills development for vulnerable women in conflict affected rural areas of the Caucuses.
Many thanks in advance, Rachel
Dear Rachel
Thank you for this ... The UN-FAO just share a new book with 15 ''good practices'' on gender and economic empowerment of women (see link below).... On the top of these 15 good practices is the Gender Action Learning System (GALS)
Dear Getaneh,
This looks super useful. Many thanks indeed. I will contact you by email as well.
Warm regards, Rachel
Dear Rachel,
You may want to check SADA Women's Cooperative in Gaziantep, Turkey. Here is their web site > https://sadacoop.com/
This is a women's coop that extends beyond the promise of economic empowerment - it also operates as a center of social work through which women can access information on public goods and services.
all the best,
Dear Sevinc
Thank you so much this is very useful to see this model.
Hi Rachel,
This comes from my experience of implementation and evaluation. Thanks for making me reflect.
What does not work- lone focus on economic empowerment
What works- start from helping the women realise their own strengths, others realising the strengths of women, a common dream of the community. When this environment is created economic empowerment will flourish. So in a nutshell use a ecological lens, strength-based approach and start from social to economic empowerment. eg domestic workers in India they did not value themselves, they said that their families did not value the work they do, so could we expect them to negotiate salaries with their employers. See a blog I wrote https://aidscompetence.ning.com/profiles/blogs/community-life-compe...
Am happy to have a call if the above strikes a chord. All the best!
Dear Rituu
Many thanks for your reflections and also for the link below from the UNW Webinar.
Maybe we can schedule a call next week - if we can do it towards the end of the week then we will have our initial field research information in which can contribute to our conversation.
Warm regards, Rachel
UN Women Webinar on 25 Feb 2021 “Evaluation Lessons on Women Economic Empowerment (WEE)” to discuss lessons from our 2nd series of UN Women ESA Evaluation Knowledge Products produced in 2020.
We are pleased to share the recording from our recent webinar “Evaluation Lessons on Women Economic Empowerment (WEE)”. A Big Thank You to the panelists and the 30+ participants! The webinar recording is available here.
Best regards,
Caspar Merkle
Regional Evaluation Specialist
UN Women Regional Office for Eastern and
Southern Africa
Thank you Caspar this is very useful.
Warm regards, Rachel
Dear Rachel,
I have been working on poverty alleviation program since last ten years especially women based community institutions such as SHGs and it federation. We have several livelihood interventions.
I would love to provide help if you clarify some sub sectors as well.
With Regards!
Prakash Kumar,
Senior Manager- Institutional Capacity building,
Bihar State rural livelihood Promotion Society, Jeevika
East Champaran, Bihar , India
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