Hiwot Tedla - Blog
Suneha Kandpal Publications
Kennedy OULU - Report on "Most Significant Change"
Please contact Human Development Center [HDC] Nepal based in Eastern Nepal as below
Mr. Bharat Kusuwar or Bhuwan Singh Tamang
Hello Dr Katie, these are my recommendations
Partnering4Change Pvt Ltd India - working on CC, AG+, empowerment and gender with diverse stakeholders in India. I am one of the Directors here.
SSP (Swayam Sikhshan Prayog) - Women's Empowerment and Livelihood (climate change resilient), - works in Multiple states https://swayamshikshanprayog.org/
Samabhabona - https://bdssamabhabona.org/ works on gender justice and livelihoods of Transgender persons in West Bengal
Dhaatri (multiple states in India) https://www.dhaatri.org/ via their fellowship programs on CC, AG+
SAWF IN https://sawfindia.org/ multiple states again
Hope this is helpful.
Hello Katie
Here are two of the excellent grassroots organisations that work at the grassroots with women's groups on agriculture, climate resilience and rural livelihoods: Profesional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN) working in seven states- West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan; and, Gram Vikas working primarily in Odisha. For PRADAN you can connect with Souparno Chatterjee (souparno@pradan.net) and for Gram Vikas, you can connect with Liby Johnson at info@gramvikas.org
Hope this is helpful.
Thanks Arundhita for responding.
Hi Dr. Katie, I recommend Village Enterprise Village Enterprise - Creating sustainable businesses – Transforming...
At Village Enterprise, We believe in the power of the entrepreneurial spirit to transform lives. Community-based and locally-led, our poverty graduation program equips Africans living in extreme poverty with cash transfers, training, and mentoring to create income-generating, sustainable businesses and savings groups, permanently breaking the cycle of poverty for themselves and their families. Digital technology and a group-based approach make this more scalable and cost-effective than traditional approaches. Over 82% of our entrepreneurs are female, ensuring greater gender equity and increased opportunities for women and families. And rigorous evidence shows that our model works!
All contacts on the organisation website!
Dear Dr. Katie,
You may contact Rural Reconstruction Nepal, one of the reputed NGOs active working since early 1990s in Nepal across all sectors, they have long work background and direct relationship with many grassroots users groups, networks and professional associations in Nepal and beyond!
RRN has newly signed a joint World Bank project that is very related work to climate resilience, agriculture development and community mobilization etc.
Hi Katie
I work with Good Return. We work in 10 countries of Asia Pacific region on gender/women's empowerment through financial literacy and impact investment in the agri business which are majorly owned by women or benefit women in the region.
Dear Katie,
I work with the South Asia Women Foundation India (www.sawfindia.org), a national women's fund in India. We are committed to supporting small grassroots women-led and trans-persons-led organizations and initiatives that are working towards gender transformative change. Our programmes have intersectional approaches to enhancing women's access to justice, economic participation, and building climate resilience. It will be great if we can connect and share more details about our work with you.
Warm regards,
Contact: debdatta.purkayastha@gmail.com; sawfindia@gmail.com
Dear Dr. Katie
I would like to introduce yourself to PCI - https://pciglobal.in/. An Indian organization working pan India with the self-help group (SHG) networks on various issues pertaining to gender equality, health, nutrition, economic empowerment, education and climate resilience. we work on scalable solutions and execute in partnership with national and state governments. Do reach out to us for further potential collaborations.
You may like to consider looking at our work at Ideosync Media Combine. We use Digital Media and Information literacies to empower women and girls at the grassroots level. Our FreeDem and IUIF programs are designed for building capacities among diverse women and girls in India.
Hi Dr. Katie, We at CITTA India have started a project with 200 women from remote villages of Jaisalmer in Rajasthan. The idea is to create 20 SHGs, train them to improve their existing skill set of processing the locally available xerophytic produces and embroidery, and help them in backward and forward linkages so they could increase their earning.
We can share more details with you, if needed.
My email id is kumar.sourav@cittaindia.org. Please let me know.
Thank You!
Dear Dr Katie Tavenner
Thanks very much for your enquiry. Please consider including The Southern Africa Trust (SAT) www.southernafricatrust.org . We are an intermediary grant-maker centering gender justice in our efforts to end poverty and inequality in 16 countries in Southern Africa. You can reach me on akanengoni@southernafricatrust.org for more information. I am the current CEO and team leader.
Kind regards
Alice D Kanengoni
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