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Feminist Policy Collective 

The India Gender Report – the first of its kind – is conceived and envisaged in the context of the many gendered rights that are enshrined in the Constitution of India. The endeavour is to examine myriad essential aspects of the gendered economic, extra-economic and non-economic status perceived from the prism of transformative feminist finance in order to demystify the enabler and simultaneously the de-enabler role of the Macro-Patriarchal State. Each of the 26 chapters, which interlink academics, analysis, advocacy and action, indicate four universal processes across all sectors and sub-sectors: the reinforcement of gender de-equalisation; the intensification of patriarchal rigidities; the deepening of economic and extra-economic divides; the increased exclusion of vulnerable and marginalised groups.
Lead Anchor: Ritu Dewan with Swati Raju

Dear All

Am doing research on gender sensitive M&E systems in Humanitarian action.

Am conducting some academic research on Gender main streaming in Humanitarian action at all levels- recovery, relief and development phases. Any suggestions on current literature, tools and best practices?Am doing it as part of my Masters studies and while focused on gender sensitive M&E systems am also interested in understanding gender mainstreaming as a paradigm in humanitarian action. 


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Dear Grace,

What is the deadline of your literature review? What is the purpose? Do let us know if we have missed the deadline else will encourage members to share.



Dear Grace

This is really an interesting area for many to learn from your research. We know that Gender is a social construct and has some broader common features globally, however there are so many contextual characteristics as well, which make it quite mysteriously interesting. Could you please share if your study is looking into contextual differences and gender. What sort of humanitarian action or setting you are researching on? Do share bit more to us.


Sushmita Mukherjee

Restless Development


Dear Grace

It is really interesting to know that you are doing research on gender mainstreaming in humanitarian action. Before having elaborate discussion, it would be useful if you could share a background note on your research work.So that the team would be able to understand the context &  type of humanitarian action you want to take.



Hi Grace, as everyone said, it would be great to have a better understanding of the scope of your research. You can begin to look for the gender-based analyses approaches developed by various country (in Canada, it’s called “gender-based analysis plus”: and in Europe “gender mainstreaming”: )? I really enjoyed reading Gillian Fletcher guidelines “Adressing gender in impact evaluation, What should be considered” (free on google). It was posted by a member (I don’t recall who, sorry!).Also, I wonder if you’ll be looking for the M&E team composition in your study (how could we have a gender sensitive M&E system if the composition team is an only men party?).

I am not sure that I can help you with gender sensitive M&E system for Humanitarian action but I can share some of my experience, what are the different issues we should keep in mind. During Humanitarian action often people do not think about adolescent girls and young women's need. Often during such time as practical experience shows, girls and women do not have access to sanitary napkins, FP methods. Often women  and girls are more violated during disaster. Especially when people are brough to any kind of shelter, not having separate toilet for women is a great challenge. That is time when gender based violence becomes a issue.

Not sure whether these are useful food for thought.


Dear Grace,

One more aspect you can keep in mind is -sexual minorities. I had facilitated an e-discussion 

Designing LGBTI Sensitive DRR & Relief Programmes

This was the first cross-posting between Constellation, UNDP's  Solution Exchange India and Bhutan and India Civil Society. The consolidated reply of the responses was compiled by G. Padmanabhan and Mamta Katwal, Resource Persons, Nupur Arora, Research Associate, and Rituu B. Nanda, Share Facilitator, Constellation with additional support from Sarah Figge Hussain, Solution Exchange Outreach


One more aspect to keep in mind- who takes ownership of the response and re-building process

See this what young people from Nepal after the earthquake expressed ( see both the blog and the responses)

I have conducted such a research inthe countries affected by the Boko Haram terorism crisis in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger. So I'm available if you need a specific assistance on the topic.

Dear Waffo

Thanks  for the support. What type of study was it? Can you point me to any literature that you may have come across that can be useful to me. Thanks in advance

Dear All

Thanks for the quick and prompt response. Find your contributions quite useful. One of the main challenges for me has been the conceptualization of what is really a gender sensitive M&E system from a systems theory theoretical framework. I have so far thought it to be consisting of gendered planning, gender sensitive indicators, staff capacity or evaluation capacity and gender sensitive evaluations. I know there could be other constructs and would welcome any further discussion. Or any ideas would really be welcome. pointers to Literature would really be useful. My research questions are : what technical factors affect the development of sensitive M&E systems in relief and recovery phases of Humanitarian action? What institutional factors affect the development of sensitive M&E systems in relief and recovery phases of Humanitarian action? 

Some thoughts on what role does accountability play in ensuring gender sensitive M&E systems would also help to conceptualize further the study. 


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