Monthly Corner

Keri Culver Blog - January 2025

It is about evaluation in the field, and while gender will be an important part of the content, it is not explicitly or totally dedicated to gender in evaluation topics.

New Monitoring and Evaluation website

We are currently publishing a series on Post-Distribution Monitoring, with more MEAL-related topics and articles to come. We also welcome suggestions for future content.

Urban Management Centre Publication

This guide aims to enhance livelihoods and create a supportive environment for street vendors in India. It also highlights the specific needs of women street vendors and how cities can adopt a gender-responsive approach to planning.

CGIAR Blog  -  January 2025

Kore Global Blogs

EvalGender+ was launched during the Global Evaluation Week at the Parliament of Nepal on 25 November 2015 in front of 450+ development professionals and policy makers, including almost 100 Parliamentarians from all over the world.

EvalGender+, a new initiative by EvalPartners, is the global partnership to strengthen national capacities for gender-responsive and equity-focused evaluations. EvalGender+ stands for the SDG’s principle of  “No one left behind”, and is especially concerned with gender equality and social equity and believes that no one should be discriminated on  basis of  gender, race, age, origin, caste or class, ethnicity, location, income or property, language, religion, convictions, opinions, health or disability.







Launch at Parliament of Nepal: Right Honorable Onsari Gharti Magar  (first-ever  woman Speaker of Parliament of Nepal); Hon. Ananda Pokharel (Coordinator of the National Parliamentary Forum for Evaluation, and Minister of Nepal), Hon. Kabir Hashim (Coordinator of the Global Forum of Parliamentarians for Evaluation, and Minister of Sri Lanka), Marco Segone (EvalPartners co-chair, UNEG Chair and Director of Evaluation at UN Women), and Gana Pati Ojha (Chairperson, Community of Evaluators, Nepal and Vice-President, Community of Evaluators South Asia).


The process to create Evalgender+

We adopted a process to get as many people possible to reflect on their dreams for Evalgender+. We had an online discussion on Gender and Evaluation community, which got nearly 50 responses in English, French and Spanish. This was followed by a face-to-face meeting during the EvalPartners global forum, where a group of people shared their dreams and compiled a common dream. Thus people from more than 30 countries has contributed to shaping EvalGender+.


What is our dream for EvalGender+ by the year 2025?

o   We dream of an equitable society where there is no discrimination

o   Gender-responsive and equity-focused evaluation has been embraced by all and there is no need for EvalGender+

o   Gender and equity lens has been incorporated in all evaluations

o   National governments have mainstreamed gender and are demanding for gender responsive and equity focused evaluation

o   We will have gender responsive national policies informed by evidence from gender-responsive and equity focused evaluations.

o   Communities own tools, methods and approaches of evaluation. We are listening to the voices of the communities.

o   Evaluators have developed skills for advocacy, leadership and communication

o   Local evaluators have developed capacities and are conducting gender-responsive and equity focused evaluations

o   Contractors, donors, governments, Parliamentarians, UN agencies, private sector, civil society organisations (particularly women’s groups and groups of sexual minorities), implementing agencies, academia, communities, municipal bodies and media have all embraced gender-responsive and equity focused evaluation.

Three priorities of EvalGender+ in the coming year:

•      Equity-focused & gender-responsive framework for SDGs

•      Equity-focused & gender-responsive  national evaluation systems

•      We listen to the voice of the communities and  take action accordingly


If you are interested in getting additional information, please contact EvalGender+ Management Group:

          Visit our website

          Join the EvalGender+ online Community

          Like EvalGender+ on Facebook

          Follow @FeministEval on Twitter- use hashtag #EvalGender

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Comment by susmita mukherjee on December 10, 2015 at 11:46

Brilliant Rituu!

Comment by Isha Wedasinghe Miranda on December 9, 2015 at 12:14

Thanks for the update

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