Hiwot Tedla - Blog
Suneha Kandpal Publications
Kennedy OULU - Report on "Most Significant Change"
The Adaptation Fund is currently conducting a study on ‘intersectional approaches to integrating gender considerations in climate change adaptation projects.’
In organizing the desk review, we are interested in gathering relevant project documents, reports and/or statistics that have applied the concept of intersectionality in the context of gender mainstreaming in adaptation projects. If you have potential resources that meet this criteria, we would highly appreciate if you can share the relevant materials with the lead consultant, Dr. Katie Tavenner - tavenka05@gmail.com by June 4, 2021.
Thanks so much in advance!
Please see these blogs might be of help
See more blogs
Gender and Climate Change evaluation- https://gendereval.ning.com/profiles/blogs/gender-and-climate-chang...
Examples of gender and inclusion-responsive evaluations in the climate change--https://gendereval.ning.com/forum/topics/leaving-no-one-behind-in-c...
Climate change in Cuba
Climate Policy in India through a Gender and Equity Lens https://gendereval.ning.com/profiles/blogs/climate-policy-in-india-...
Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) evaluation reports:
Thank you so much, Rituu for sharing the links to these great blog posts!
Hi Katie and All
You may be interested in this article tho' not to do the climate change adaptation but rather how an indigenous group of women in Bangladesh took over a women's organisation and used it to channel CIMMYT/CSISA wheat and maize innovations to themselves and also Muslim women working in the fields. Has quite a focus on intersectionalities.
Thank you, Cathy! This looks like a fabulous and relevant article, thank you for sharing.
Will share over mail
Hi Katie,
There is the ISE4GEMs guide that was developed which incorporates an intersectional approach involving gender, environments and marginalized voices within a systemic framework. It would be relevant for assessing climate adaptation projects. You can find the guide here, available in English and Spanish.
In addition, I am currently just started an evaluation of UN Women's work on climate mitigation and adaptation and so I would be interested in the results of your desk review and also share some reflections after the evaluation is finalized.
Shravanti Reddy
UN Women
Thank you so much, Shravanti, for sharing this guide, it looks like a wonderful resource.
Best of luck with your evaluation on UN Women's work on climate mitigation and adaptation - it would be great to connect after our studies are finalized to reflect and share best practices - hopefully by that point we will have enough information collected to share something back with the G & E community, as I believe applied intersectionality is a concept many organizations are interested in learning about.
Yes, let's do so. I'm sharing an evaluation in which I used the approach if that is helpful and Anne and Ellen have other work they are hopefully sharing. https://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2018/4/corp...
Great, thank you again, Shravanti!
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