Hiwot Tedla - Blog
Suneha Kandpal Publications
Kennedy OULU - Report on "Most Significant Change"
Dear Members,
The Gender and Evaluation community has completed a decade. Thanks for your valuable contribution. We are reaching out to seek your advice on the next phase of the community of Practice. Hope you can spare your time to respond to the following questions by 12th March 2023:
Consultation : Prochaine phase de la Communauté 'Gender and Eval'
Le genre et l'évaluation fera une décennie. Merci pour votre précieuse contribution. Nous nous adressons à vous pour obtenir votre avis sur la prochaine phase de la communauté de pratique.Nous espérons que vous pourrez consacrer un peu de votre temps à répondre aux questions suivantes avant le 12 mars 2023
Traduction avec l'aimable collaboration de MariJo Vázquez, Espagne
Consulta : Próxima fase de la Comunidad 'Gender and Eval'
Género y Evaluación va a cumplir una década. Gracias por su valiosa contribución. Nos dirigimos a ustedes en busca de consejo sobre la próxima fase de la comunidad de práctica.Esperamos que puedan dedicar algo de su tiempo a responder a las siguientes preguntas antes del 12 de marzo de 2023
Traducción cortesía: MariJo Vázquez, España
Thanks a lot Irene. I so much value your advice. Warm greetings!
Thanks Irene,
Am pasting the English translation
What are the crucial features of the community that need to be preserved in the next phase?
I think it is very important that there is an evaluation community with a feminist approach
where we can share doubts, methodologies and innovative approaches.
How would you, as members, contribute to making the community even more interactive
and promoting mutual learning and sharing?
Continue generating knowledge through consultation and sharing practices and experiences
that may be valuable to the rest of the community. A more intuitive and "Facebook" interface
would be useful where sharing relevant articles and documents, in a more
visual and interactive way
How would you like to participate/contribute in the future? And if so, for how long?
Yes always
Do you have any other ideas, questions or suggestions about facilitating the platform?
Thanks for keeping this community alive!
Dear Rituu
In response to the queries
- blogs, events, resources, vacancies should be retained
- there should be more talking to each other... may be webinars
- I have been writing and will continue on gender intersectionality and evaluation.
- I feel the need for the coordinator to collate/analyse on common topics e.g. GT indicators, GT evaluation frameworks, backlash etc. This could be done every quarter
- if we could upload vidoes on GT evaluation in practice it would be good
Best as you transition
Thank you Ranjani. Value your ideas. I applaud your contribution to this community.
Thanks for shaping the priorities for the next phase Rituu. Please consider some ideas –
1. Crucial features to be retained - Important to have Discussion Forum, Vacancies, Blogs, Events and Resources
2. Members contribution for interactivity and learning - Share insights on emerging trends, share documents, highlight major points for collective reflection.
3. How to engage in future - Share latest writings about community based practices and system level changes; participate in panel discussions; collaborate to develop collective perspectives. Also fully agree with Ranjani's 4th point on common topics, indicators, frameworks...
4. Other suggestions -
-Expand dialogues with donors and govt duty bearers on community based and led evaluation practices.
-Have more thematic working groups on key aspects that the practitioners want to priorities.
-The overall website design can be updated and more interactive.
Many thanks Ratna! Great to learn from you.
Thank you so much, Fabiola. Appreciate your taking the time to provide valuable insights. Many thanks for your contribution to the community over the years.
Dear Rituu,
Many thanks for this initiative. Gosh, has it really been a decade that you have run this community platform? Time flies!
Most of the time I have been a passive consumer of the community, occasionally reading the updates or looking up a resource that pops up. The dramatic increase of remote meetings has dramatically increased the number of activities in my diary - as a result, time is tight I have difficulties even just keeping up with my own blog. But with an occasional gentle reminder, I might be able to contribute a little bit more to the community.
Face-to-face meetings are alwas great. Now that people are travelling a bit more again it could be nice to reach out to each other in real life. But I don't know what (technical?) way there could be to facilitate such exchange via this platform. Maybe something to consider in case you update the website?
Anyway - happy 10th anniversary - and hope to see gendereval members soon again, in real life, too :)
Warm wishes, Michaela
Thank you so much Michaela! Its so wonderful to have you as our member. Learned a great deal from you.
Bonjour et merci Rituu d’avoir défini les priorités pour la prochaine phase
Partager les productions, les documents sur les pratiques communautaires
Participer à des tables rondes; collaborer pour développer des perspectives collectives.
je partage l'idée qu’il y ait une communauté d’évaluation avec une approche féministe où nous pouvons partager, les méthodologies et les approches innovantes.
Entretenir le caractère mondial de la communauté, qui permet à chaque membre/groupe un large éventail de connaissances sur l’évaluation sensible au genre dans différents contextes.
promouvoir le réseautage entre les membres de la communauté
joyeux 10e anniversaire
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