Resources on gender aware Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation

Dear Members,

I would like to review and put together a resource pack of papers/reports on gender-aware MLE approaches, that might be useful for our work. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on resources or any favorite documents/links ? 
Given your experience in this area, it would be great to have your insights! We promise to share the summary of the resources with you. 
And resources in different languages are welcome!
Thank you

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Here go my suggestions...

AWID: Capturing Change in Women’s Realities:


AWID: Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation: 13 Insights for Women's Organizations


AWID: Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation for Women’s Rights: 12 Insights for Donors

Diferentes aproximaciones para hacer una evaluación sensible al género y al enfoque basado en derechos humanos para el desarrollo:

Gracias Samia!!

About feminist evaluation:

Podems, DR. 2010. Feminist Evaluation and gender approaches: there´s a difference?

Quinn Patton, 2002. Michael Feminist, Yes, but Is It Evaluation?

I know I wrote it, but... the ODI paper 

Addressing Gender in Impact Evaluation: What Should Be Considered?


Special Issue on ‘Evaluating gender and equity’ of the Indian Journal of Gender Studies, Vol 19, no 2, June 2012.   Guest editors Katherine Hay, Ratna M. Sudarshan and Ethel Mendez 

Dear Rituu, dear colleagues,

Please, find below my papers in Spanish and some of them in English. The vast majority of them are available at

  • Espinosa Fajardo, Julia (2015) “La perspectiva de género en evaluación: balance de la política y praxis de la cooperación oficial española", Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, nº 36. 2015.
  • Espinosa Fajardo, Julia and Tamargo, María (2015) “¿Cómo integrar un enfoque transformador de género en la evaluación de políticas públicas? Debates y propuestas”, en SinerGias, nº5, Decisiones en contextos de cambios: Interpelaciones e inspiraciones de la Conferencia de Beijing, PRIGEPP-FLACSO Argentina. 2015.
  • Bustelo, María, Espinosa Fajardo, Julia, Faúndez, Alejandra and Weinstein, Marisa (2015) Guía para incluir una perspectiva género+ en las VOPEs: innovando p.../ Guide to including a gender+ perspective in VOPEs: innovating to im.... EvalPartners.
  • Espinosa Fajardo, Julia (2014) "Evaluación con perspectiva de género: aprendizajes de la cooperación británica y sueca", en Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios de Desarrollo, vol. 3 -2. Número especial Administración Pública y Desarrollo.  Zaragoza. 2014. Pp. 80-99.
  • Ligero, J.A., Espinosa, J., Mormeneo, C. and Bustelo, M. (2014) Making Evaluation Sensitive to Gender and Human Rights. Different Approaches. Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación. Madrid.
  • Ligero, Juan Andrés, Espinosa Fajardo, Julia, Mormeneo, Carmen and Bustelo, María (2014) Diferentes aproximaciones para hacer una evaluación sensible al género y al enfoque basado en derechos humanos para el desarrollo. Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación. Madrid. 2014.
  • Espinosa Fajardo, Julia (2013) “Promoting Human Rights and Gender Sensitive Evaluations: Key Ideas for Evaluating Gender Equality Results”, artículo elaborado para la UN Women Expert Meeting – Gender Mainstreaming Approaches in Development Programming: Being Strategic and Achieving Results. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. 2013.
  • Espinosa Fajardo, Julia (2013) “Towards a gender-sensitive evaluation? Practices and challenges in international development evaluation” en Evaluation. Vol. 19 no. 2. 2013. Pp. 171-182.
  • Espinosa Fajardo, Julia (2013) “La evaluación sensible al género: Una herramienta para mejorar la calidad de la ayuda” en Begoña Leyra Fatou y Ana M. Pérez Camporeale (Coords.) Cuadernos de género, nº 2. ICEI. Madrid. 2013. Pp. 113-124.
  • Espinosa Fajardo, Julia (2011) La igualdad de género en la evaluación de la ayuda. Los casos de la cooperación oficial británica, española y sueca. PhD Research. Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Espinosa Fajardo, Julia (2012) “Gender issues in the evaluation of international aid. The experience of British, Spanish and Swedish development agencies”. Paper session Gender and Evaluation: Approaches and Practice. 10th European Evaluation Society Biennial Conference. Helsinki. 2012. Honourable mention – Best paper.

This last paper is not published in any journal at the moment. If you know any journal that could be interested in publishing it, I would really appreciate your suggestions.

Warm regards from Seville,


The Gender & Development Journal had an entire issue dedicated to Gender, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning:

UN Women Training Manual “Building Gender Responsive and Transformative National Evaluation Capacity”. You can find the details at

You may see the following paper:

Nandi, Rajib; Nanda, Rituu B and Jugran, Tanisha. Evaluation from inside out: The experience of using local knowledge and practices to evaluate a program for adolescent girls in India through the lens of gender and equity [online]. Evaluation Journal of Australasia, Vol. 15, No. 1, Mar 2015: 38-47.

Availability:a href=";dn=936838345059984;res=IELBUS">;dn=936838345059984;re...> ISSN: 1035-719X. [cited 01 May 15]


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