Experience of being a member of Gender and Evaluation Community

Dear All,

I am Monika Banerjee working as a Research Fellow at the Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST), New Delhi. I am currently trying to compile the Annual Report of ISST for the year 2020-21.

As you know that this online platform on Gender and Evaluation is being hosted by ISST since 2013 and we at ISST are extremely happy to see the way your participation is constantly strengthening this platform year after year.

This year for the annual report, we thought of including some reflections on the experiences of being part of this large family. It will also give us an understanding of areas where gains are visible and those where more work is required. Therefore, I request you to kindly help us in posting some of your reflections in terms of your experiences of being a member of this gender and eval online community.

We would like to know what has been your experience till date of being a member of this online community and in what way has it helped your work and career.

Hoping to hear from you all soon.

warm regards,


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Hi Monika,

I agree with everything that has been said by others, and I just wanted to add my confirmation. It is difficult to find a community that is both technical and focused on gender. I also appreciate having a conversation about international evaluation that is grounded in feminist principles. I appreciate the concrete tools, guidance, and reading recommendations provided. This is the 'home' I always recommend we post consultancies, and I love feeling updated about opportunities in the gender and evaluation community. Thank you to everyone that supports the online community.

Hi Monika,

The community is unique in many term. I found the team very supportive and cooperative. I had a request of support on my thesis paper for proofreading. Gladly, I received more than 20 request from professional and academic people which was very helpful.

Thanks for the cooperation.

best regards, Murtaza 

Dear Monica, dear Rituu,

Your plateforme is a very helpful resource and the community works efficiently.

For example, when I looked for a national colleague in Sierra Leone, Rituu kindly posted my requests and I got rapidly many replies. Some were fitting the requested profile very well, I got in touch with some of you and I could submit the offer in time. I still do not know if we will get the assignment, but thanks go to the community for being so reactive and once more to Rituu for her great help!

I also appreciated all the on-line training and/or webinar offer organized by or disseminated through this platform. Especially during the lockdown period, it represented an open window with so much "refreshing" input!

Please continue the good work (I will try to contribute more form the francophone side...) and keep safe and healthy!


My experience with the Gender and Evaluation network

Hello everyone, 

I am Shailesh Nagar and I work with a development consulting and advisory firm, NRMC in India. Recently, I got to know the power and reach of this group. I was and still am on the lookout for expertise related to gender evaluation across various regions of the world for a particular assignment that my firm is bidding for. The moderator, on my request, shared the information about this requirement among the network members. To my surprise, I started receiving responses immediately and within a few hours I received responses from at least a dozen experts from across the world. 

It is amazing for me to get these responses in a short period of time and I do not think I would have received similar responses in any other platform. Kudos to the moderator and people behind this network. A big thank you from my side for this help. 

Shailesh Nagar


Thank you, Rituu for all your work on this listserv! I wish I could make it to some of the events, but I'm an ocean away. Still, maybe one of these days ... :) IN any case, I just wanted to let you know that your work is really appreciated. 



It is really great platform to understand contemporary issue and challenges of evaluation and also sharing workshops, conferences, and opportunities as well.



Thanks, it's good to make knowledge sharing.


Good evening Rituu, Your efforts are highly appreciated!

The Gender & Evaluation Community fills a critical role in connecting and informing all of us working on gender and evaluation, in so many ways, across all of our communities.  Through this forum, I have connected with others I wouldn't have otherwise met to put together a successful conference panel, I hear about new technical resources, and get connected to helpful online learning opportunities, workshops, etc.  This is a fantastic meeting point for all of us working in this area.  So grateful to Rituu and colleagues who are leading this extremely valuable forum. 

Hi Monika,

I joined this only community only a couple of weeks ago. To date, what my experience encompass can be summarized as such:

  • a great joy to find a place where reflections, ideas, practices, etc. are shared on gender&evaluation and are easily accessible;
  • a lot gratefulness, e.g. I participated in a webinar organised by Rituu and learned new things on Gender-Based and Gender-Transformative approaches;
  • already enriching for all these reasons and the fact that it provided me with contacts of colleagues in the community, with whom I am now exchanging for work related purposes.

So many thanks for all.


Hi Monika and Rituu,

I have been visiting the Gender & Evaluation community for several years and continue to be a big fan. Thank you for managing such an important and useful resource. Gender is often sidelined as a cursory thought or hastily discussed topic, so it’s nice to have an outlet where gender can be at the forefront of our evaluation discussions. Thanks for all of the work and care that you take in holding this space.

Warm regards,


Gender and Evaluation community offered to me the opportunity to share knowledge, tools and experiences on several thematics related to Gender and Evaluation, Sensible Data Collection , Measurement ad analysis, new gender approaches and trends.

A wide range of workshops, discussions and training are offered as valuable discussion helping to boost brainstorming on gender equality and evaluation


Sara Sangiuliano

Hello there

I like very much the opportunities to attend courses

as well as the publication of open positions or consultancy requirements

Also, very useful for networking and knowledge sharing

Also, It is very good to see,  what is being done throughut the world in these difficult endeavours..

Thank you for the questions, Monika,
I can fully confirm the usefulness and interactive approach of this gender & evaluation community.

In actual terms for now (2021), I have not participated myself yet observed, reading all useful ínputs.

Good continuation wishes

S.L.Bauer (PhD) * D-10999 Berlin * bauersl@posteo.de

Very happy to be part of this community. Great networking, job opportunities, trainings and capacity building. I find all super useful. Thank you for all!!


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