Intersectional, inter-sectoral and development focus: Why they matter to gender transformative evaluations

Increasingly there is focus on "women" and "men" as analytical categories in gender transformative evaluations. This is necessary, but is it adequate?  The answer is "No" 

Women are far from uniform. One woman may progress at the expense of the other, like in the case of women from small farming household receiving support for mechanized harvesters which displace women form households without land. 

While the project may be with regard to agriculture, unless she has access to clean energy and water, she may not be able to attend the training program of the agriculture project fully. While projects can be compartmentalized, humans cannot be. 

Further, rarely do project designs analyse developments in the area, like emergence of a polluting industry which could affect the soil on the one hand, to cottage industries for women which could support poor women who also engage in agriculture. As a result, space for gender transformation shrinks or expands

The argument is for project design, implementation and evaluation to wear an intersectional, intersectoral, development lens.

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