Dear all, I am building up a comprehensive database of gender indicators. I will compile both, development-related ones and humanitarian related ones. If you could help me pointing out websites, organizaciones, already existing databases on gender indicators, etc...I would be very grateful.

Thank you all and kind regards,


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Hi Atria, what is the purpose of database of gender indicators. Thanks!

Hi Rituu, me and my colleagues are trying to build up the biggest repository on development and humanitarian indicators for NGO to freely use. A database where indicators from many different sources: WB, SDG, EC, DAC, etc...can be found in the same place and under cathegories, with standard sources of verifications, etc...

postings for which we did not receive responses just to give you an idea of the demand side

Thank you Sophie!

Guau! Thank you Sophie :)

  • Hamutal Gouri

    Hi Atria, take a look at this website from Israel "She Knows", it is a most comprehensive online resource on gender in Israel, including a most comprehesive gender index comprising of more than 14 indicators


Thank you so much Rituu, you have provided me with lots of useful resources! Thanks so much!

Hi Atria is a super resource from UCSD. Have a look.

Other publications/resources from ICRW:

Do have a look at ICRW website - publications section.


Nitin Datta  


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