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How can we Strengthen National Evaluation Systems”?

How can we Strengthen National Evaluation Systems”? The  Fall 2013 edition of Evaluation Matters…


Added by Asela Kalugampitiya on November 26, 2013 at 20:00 — No Comments


Dear Friends,

Hi! I am a new comer to this forum and very excited to be part of the evaluation community. I would like to share with you all the evaluation of WECAN- a regional campaign to end violence against women, supported by OXFAM. I would really like to know your views on the study.

I was looking at what members think of the methodology and the insights about the campaign- especially because of the following reasons:
a. There was no baseline 

Added by Anuradha Rajan on November 7, 2013 at 12:30 — 2 Comments

Papers on Gender and Evaluation

Dear all,

I want to share with you some of my papers on Gender and Evaluation. Pleases, find attached the comunication Towards a gender-sensitive evaluation? Practices and challenges in international development evaluation. I presented this comunication in the 9th European Evaluation Society International Conference (Praga, 2010). This comunication has just been published with modifications in Evaluation. Abril, 2013 vol. 19 no. 2. Pp. 171-182.…


Added by Julia Espinosa on November 4, 2013 at 17:33 — 3 Comments

Gender and Equity Aware Participatory Processes in Evaluation

Ranjani.K.Murthy was supported by Indian Social Studies Trust to be present at American Evaluation Association.

She gave a presentation on Gender and Equity Aware Participatory Processes in Evaluation. On the link below you will find her presentation: Grappling With Complexity: Gender and Equity Aware Participatory Processes in Evaluation



Added by Rituu B Nanda on October 31, 2013 at 10:43 — 2 Comments

National Land Reform Policy - Implications on Gender and Equity'

The X Gender and Economic Policy Discussion forum, organized by the Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST) in association with Heinrich Böll Stiftung, on 'National Land Reform Policy - Implications on Gender and Equity' was held at the India International Centre on the 29th of October. Seema Kulkarni (SOPPECOM), Charanjit Singh (Dept. of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Devt., Govt. of India) and Madhu Sarin (Fellow, Rights and Resources Initiative) presented at…


Added by Shiny Saha on October 29, 2013 at 18:00 — 1 Comment

Vacancy for Editor "The Development Review - ISSN 2220-7651"

The Development Review (ISSN 2220-7651) is an international Journal aimed at bringing the voices from the grassroots. It is a scholarly open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary,  journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in the development sector.  It is published quarterly.Specific focus of the journal is on the following subjects.…


Added by Dr Valentine J Gandhi on October 24, 2013 at 19:59 — 1 Comment

Two E's are the Key Elements of 'Empowering' Women

In the countries like in South-Asia, 'Education' and 'Economy' are the two vehicles with which a woman can attain 'Empowerment' in her family and in the society as well.

Here 'Education' does not mean only 'Formal' education. It is informal, life-skill-oriented education. In our country many women are totally illiterate, but can we imagine how do they 'manage' their own family with so many members in a family? Do we (both men and women) recognize their creativity? There are so many…


Added by Bhabatosh Nath on October 17, 2013 at 0:56 — 1 Comment

US versus India Evaluation systems

Link to a blog comparing by John M. Kamensky, Senior Fellow and Associate Partner, IBM Center for The Business of Government.

(sharing which received from Dr. Prajapati Trivedi, Secretary to Govt of India)

Sometimes it is refreshing to look at how…


Added by Asela Kalugampitiya on October 12, 2013 at 20:00 — 2 Comments

The City as an Inclusive Space through a Gender and Equity Lens

The IX Gender and Economic Policy Discussion forum, organized by the Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST) in association with Heinrich Böll Stiftung, on 'The City as an Inclusive Space through a Gender and Equity Lens' was held at the India International Centre Annexe on the 5th of September .  Dr. Kalpana Viswanath (JAGORI), Aparna Das (GIZ) and Dr. Renu Khosla (CURE india); chaired by Prof. K.T. Ravindran (INTACH/ RICS School of Built Environment) presented at the…


Added by Shiny Saha on September 18, 2013 at 18:00 — No Comments

Meta evaluation with a Gender and Equity lens

I work with the Institute of the Social Studies Trust (ISST), New Delhi. I was part of the team ( included Shraddha Chigateri, Rajib Nandi and Rituu B Nanda) which conducted a Meta-evaluation study with a Gender and Equity lens:Evaluating Evaluations of an Economic Empowerment Programme for Women in India.We presented a paper on our work "Meta-evaluation with a Gender and Equity lens"  in July at SLEVA Conference, Sri Lanka.Below is the…


Added by Tanisha Jugran on September 3, 2013 at 16:30 — 1 Comment

Report on SLEvA Conference, Sri Lanka 23rd-24th July 2013

At the onset, I would like to thank the Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST) and in particular, Ms. Shraddha Chigateri and Ms. Akansha Babbar for giving me an opportunity to attend the 4th International Conference by the Sri Lanka Evaluation Association (SLEvA). The main theme of the conference was “Evaluation for Change”, wherein I had presented the paper (abstract is given below), jointly written by Ms.…


Added by Prerna Goel Chatterjee on September 2, 2013 at 12:00 — 3 Comments


Dear All, 

A woman is invariably, a sister, daughter, mother, grandmother to man, at some point of time in life. If none else, every man has had bonds with his mother at least, and so has stakes in a woman’s cause. Women’s Synergy (WS) thus encourages men to reflect on their relationship with women and fathom the best in them that could go a long way in supporting and holding women as prized possessions.…


Added by Vaidehi Krishnan on July 28, 2013 at 13:29 — 5 Comments

Gender and Randomized Controlled Trials - 19 July, 2013

Attending this reflection session was useful. For  a person like me who wants to understand its relevance to the work one does this was basic and sufficient. J-Pal Delhi team  did a good job of finally educating me in most simple manner. I learned that there are evaluation of  programmes which resulted in decision of not to scale up  as a desired impact was not seen. I need to learn more on such evaluations. Diva Dhar's advice on scope of RCT in the work I have in hand is very useful. Now…


Added by Krinna Shah on July 19, 2013 at 23:05 — No Comments

Climate Policy in India through a Gender and Equity Lens

The VIII Gender and Economic Policy Discussion forum, organized by the Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST) in association with Heinrich Böll Stiftung, on 'Climate Policy in India through a Gender and Equity Lens' was held at the India Habitat Centre on the 2nd of July . Presentations were made by Ms. Aditi Kapoor (Alternative Futures), Mr. Srinivas Krishnaswamy (Vasudha Foundation) and Dr. Suman Sahai (Gene Campaign); chaired by Dr. Govind Kelkar (Landesa/Rural Development…


Added by Shiny Saha on July 2, 2013 at 16:19 — 1 Comment

human rights of rural women and sustainable development

Sustainable development and human rights both need equal opportunities in the policies. Sometimes human rights of rural women and children do not get space in programmes of sustainable development. For example in the tiger reserve forest areas, incidences of malnourishment among the women and children are more in comparison to urban area. Similarly, access to education, health facilities and transport facilities are poor. Women are working hard for cutting the fire wood and carry it on head…


Added by Pramod Sharma on June 5, 2013 at 11:30 — 8 Comments

Request for evaluations of economic empowerment of women and girls interventions

Dear colleagues

I work for the UK Department for International Development's (DFID) Evaluation Department, which has commissioned a review of evaluations relating to the economic empowerment of women and girls. The main objective is to support improved capacity to undertake quality evaluations in this programmatic area by reviewing the trends, gaps in evaluation activity, as well as the strengths and weaknesses, appropriateness and execution of the methods used.

The Overseas…


Added by Harri Lee on June 4, 2013 at 23:37 — 6 Comments


The MPhil Programme in Development Practice at Ambedkar University, Delhi has been started in collaboration with a developmental sector organisation called PRADAN. It is an innovative experiment where a University and a development sector agent have come together to join hands and re-think the regular structure of 'development' courses and 'discourses' imparted through rural…


Added by Gurpreet Kaur on May 6, 2013 at 16:37 — No Comments

Learning on equity focused evaluation

Kathmandu Conclave

February’ 2013

 1.       Background

Not talking much on this international event let me concentrate more towards the learning and my future plan derived from this international gathering held in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Within the series of parallel sessions, it was really a challenge to chose and attend only one session within a time frame. But as per the interest I opted mostly to…


Added by Ranjan Panda on May 3, 2013 at 21:30 — 1 Comment

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