
All Blog Posts (615)

UNITED NATIONS celebrates International Women’s Day on March 8th, 2018


"Achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls is the unfinished business of our time, and the greatest human rights challenge in our world." - UN Secretary-General, António Guterres

Gender equality means giving both women and men the chance to…


Added by Laura Gagliardone on March 5, 2018 at 19:15 — 2 Comments


EvalPartners received a grant from the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor of the United States Department for State for 2018-2019. The grant helps EvalPartners continue its global commitment to proactively support Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs) and cover a new round of Peer to Peer (P2P) grants and Innovation Challenge partnerships, in addition to development of e-learning modules and VOPE toolkit sections on strengthening the role of…


Added by Florencia Tateossian on March 2, 2018 at 1:43 — 2 Comments

Positioning men in gender-transformative evaluations

Of late there has been considerable discussions about gender transformative evaluations, as distinct from gender ameliorative, gender instrumental or gender-blind ones.  The gender transformative evaluations seek to assess changes in gendered (and other) power relations and norms & resources in different institutions and contribution of policies, programmes, or projects to these changes, apart from adopting a transformative evaluation methodology.  The gender ameliorative ones assess…


Added by Ranjani K.Murthy on February 22, 2018 at 14:00 — 5 Comments

Designing for Data Use

This post was originally posted at: ‎

This blogpost summarizes a talk I gave at the Evaluation Community of India’s recent “EvalFest” from the 7th-9th February at the Indian Habitat Centre. It advocates for using…


Added by Anna Schurmann on February 14, 2018 at 22:37 — No Comments

Evaluation Society of Kenya 2017 2nd Half Newsletter

Dear Colleagues,…

Added by Jennifer Mutua on February 13, 2018 at 14:00 — No Comments

Survey on exploring issues related to Org.capacity for planning,designing,and using Impact evaluations in International development context

Dear Eval_Colleagues, greetings; a fellow colleague needs our help in completing a survey that is part of her research at Western Michigan University, USA. While thanking those who have already completed the survey previously, she needs more help!!! Please consider supporting her research by completing the survey. The survey will be open until February 24th 2018.    The survey explores issues related to organizational…


Added by JAMES OMORUYI OBAKPOLOR on February 9, 2018 at 19:18 — No Comments

EvalColombo 2018- Parliamentarians Global Event

The  Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation together with EvalPartners, the Sri Lanka Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation and the Sri Lanka Evaluation Association, will host EvalColombo2018, a three-day forum…


Added by Asela Kalugampitiya on February 5, 2018 at 13:53 — No Comments

Gender Responsive Evaluation for young emerging evaluators

During the recent Joint ReLac-RedLacme-IDEAS Joint Evaluation Conference in Guanajuato, Mexico, a group of EvalGender+ and EvalYouth members join forces to envision how to work together. New ideas, and ways forward emerged passionately, and culminated in 3 joint actions for the near future:

  1.  EvalGender+ and EvalYouth will organize a webinar to present and interact on how to guide young evaluators in using gender-responsive evaluation tools
  2. EvalGender+ and EvalYouth will…

Added by Florencia Tateossian on January 31, 2018 at 3:34 — 1 Comment

Gobierno como valor público

Gobierno como valor público

Added by Myrna Rivas Nina on January 29, 2018 at 0:50 — No Comments

Perspectives EvalGender+ et EvalYouth


Il n'est jamais trop tard pour bien faire. Je vous souhaite une bonne et heureuse année 2018, pleine de santé et de succès dans vos projets.

Lors de la conférence de l'Association Internationale pour l'Évaluation du Développement tenue du 4-8 Décembre 2017 au Mexique, EvalGender+ et EvalYouth ont organisé un atelier d'échanges pour définir des perspectives de collaboration. Vous trouverez le document synthèse suivant ce lien.…


Added by LOYE Alexis Salvador on January 27, 2018 at 23:30 — 1 Comment


Dear Colleagues,

This is my & Wish for 2018. What's yours? Please check out my post and let me hear back from you. You can post your ideas and thoughts on our…


Added by Michele Tarsilla on December 30, 2017 at 13:00 — 13 Comments

Gender mainstreaming lessons from FAO’s technical cooperation assistance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Submitted by Arwa Khalid on 25 November 2017

Blog by Arwa Khalid (Evaluation Officer), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO’s) work on gender equality

Gender equality is central to the Organization’s mandate to achieve food security for all by raising levels of nutrition, increasing agricultural productivity and natural resource management, and improving the lives of…


Added by Arwa Ahmed Khalid on December 18, 2017 at 18:00 — 1 Comment

UNICEF's Evaluation Office launches EVALNEWS - Issue 77

Dear colleagues,

EVALNEWS Issue 77 focuses on Evaluation and Advocacy.  Several resources on this topic have been included.

In Highlight EvalNews features the forthcoming EVALFEST in India. Please find EvalNews 77 attached. Enjoy.Issue77EvalNews.pdf

Added by Ada Ocampo on December 12, 2017 at 2:24 — No Comments

Global Cafe in Practice

During an interactive lecture given by Ms. Ritu Nanda on Knowledge Based management and evaluaiton at the National Institute on Labour, Economics and Man Power Research, we had an opportunity to practice Global Café. Four groups were formed that undertook the following questions?

Group 1.

How is knowledge captured? Is anything missed?

Group 2.

How is knowledge organised? Is everything accessible?

Group 3.

 How is knowledge shared? Are all staff able…


Added by ANNE MWENDE NDOLO on November 13, 2017 at 16:30 — 2 Comments


Introduction (video):

The WEPs Gender Gap Analysis Tool is a free, user-friendly, and strictly confidential tool designed to help companies from around the world identify strengths, gaps, and opportunities to improve their performance on gender equality. Results are provided in a concise and clear format so companies can easily identify areas for improvement.

WEPs Gender Gap Analysis Tool:…


Added by Laura Gagliardone on November 4, 2017 at 20:46 — 4 Comments

Formations sur l'évaluation axée sur l'équité et sensible au genre: qu'avons-nous appris et comment pouvons-nous nous améliorer?

Bonjour collègues et ami(e)s,

Nous, au sein du groupe de coordination de EvalGender +, cherchons à comprendre ce qui a fonctionné dans les formations sur les évaluations axées sur l'équité et sensibles au genre (EFGR). Cette information aiderait à concevoir et à dispenser des formations efficaces et à assurer l'application et l'utilisation des compétences et des connaissances acquises. Nous sollicitons  vos expériences, leçons apprises et recommandations sur les questions…


Added by LOYE Alexis Salvador on October 30, 2017 at 8:00 — No Comments

Associations nationales d'évaluation sensibles au genre et promotion d'évaluations axées sur l'équité et le genre

Cher(e)s collègues,

En préparation de plusieurs événements mondiaux et régionaux des associations nationales d'évaluation ce dernier trimestre de l'année 2017, nous évaluons les besoins afin de nous assurer que les associations en évaluation sont sensibles au genre et favorisent une évaluation sensible au genre.  

1) Que peut-on faire pour s'assurer que les associations d'évaluation sont sensibles au genre et encouragent une évaluation sensible au genre?

2) Comment les…


Added by LOYE Alexis Salvador on October 18, 2017 at 23:30 — No Comments

Guidance to Evaluate SDG with a gender lens available in 5 languages!

We are happy to announce that the Guidance on Evaluating the Sustainable Development Goals with a “No one left behind” lens through equity-focused and gender-responsive evaluation is now available in 5 languages. 

We, at EvalGender+,  recognize the importance to make resources accessible to the wider public as much as possible, trying to leave no one behind. That's why we believe that translating our materials is of…


Added by Florencia Tateossian on October 18, 2017 at 19:20 — 6 Comments

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