
All Blog Posts (615)

Call for contributions - Good practice and Lessons-Learned in Gender Responsive Evaluation in the framework of the SDG and Beijing+25

Dear Colleagues, 

UN Women Independent Evaluation and Audit Services (IEAS) is planning to publish a Good practices and Lessons-Learned in Gender Responsive Evaluation in the framework of the SDG+5 and Beijing+25.  The knowledge product will highlight good practices on how evaluations with gender-lens are impactful in tacking the structural barriers and social norms for gender equality against the twelve critical areas of concern identified in the Beijing Platform for Action…


Added by Soo Yeon Kim on May 1, 2019 at 3:00 — 3 Comments

Research Quality Plus (RQ+) - Potential for evaluation quality governance?

The Research Quality Plus, RQ+, approach is a novel means of judging the quality of research and innovation. It reimagines what makes for good science and how we might encourage more. In application at IDRC, it has positioned gender responsivity as a non-negotiable component of quality work.  

Given the close links between research and evaluation, we wonder about the potential for RQ+ as a framework for evaluation quality assessment, management, and governance.  Could it be a starting…


Added by Robert McLean on April 23, 2019 at 1:51 — No Comments

Are surrogate cum participatory evaluations gender-socially transformative?

I do evaluations which I often call participatory. I have a consultation with the primary stakeholders on what should be evaluated, involve them in the process of evaluation, and analyse and validate findings with them. While it is participatory, the control rests with me, and I act as a proxy or surrogate for the marginalised women/girls, men/boys and transwomen/transmen.

However, being a "surrogate", do I really capture the voices of marginalised, which may be contradictory given…


Added by Ranjani K.Murthy on April 22, 2019 at 17:14 — 1 Comment

What is feminist about outcome harvesting?

Rituu suggested I reflect on my practice and also share with you the set of blogs a few outcome harvesting practitioners wrote for AEA365 (attachment) to give a sense of the method and in so doing pay tribute to the method’s originator, Ricardo Wilson-Grau – see attached. So, this note reflects on outcome harvesting as feminist. It is arguably…


Added by Barbara Klugman on April 16, 2019 at 14:00 — 8 Comments

Reflections on attitudes

May I share a post published today at Zenda Ofir´s blog on "Evaluation for Development". 

My contribution to her blog intended to be tips for Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs), but I hope that they can be adapted by current evaluation practitioners who wish to reflect on their role in transformative change. 

You can read the English version of the post at the following link: …


Added by Fabiola Amariles on March 27, 2019 at 0:30 — 3 Comments

Sharing new paper: What do participatory approaches have to offer the measurement of empowerment of women and girls


 I’m pleased to share with you a new paper providing insight and guidance on the value of participatory approaches that ground measurement of empowerment in lives and perspectives of women and girls. The paper builds on a recent webinar on measuring empowerment of women and girls for the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research.

It  also draws on an earlier  on-line consultation with this …


Added by Julie Newton on March 26, 2019 at 20:49 — 3 Comments

What is different about evaluating work with men and boys on challenging dominant masculinities? -with CHSJ and other organisations

Photo credit: Center for Health and Social Justice

This article explores lessons from evaluations that I have done on work with men and boys to challenge dominant masculinities in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.  It also asks what lessons are different from evaluating work with women and girls on…


Added by Ranjani K.Murthy on March 23, 2019 at 8:00 — 8 Comments


L’Initiative Ivoirienne pour l’Evaluation (2IEval), en collaboration avec la Cellule d’Analyse de Politiques Economiques du CIRES (CAPEC), vous informe de l'ouverture des candidatures pour la cinquième (5) édition du Prix d’Excellence « Evaluation d’Or ».…

Added by Samuel KOUAKOU on March 1, 2019 at 19:00 — 2 Comments

2nd APEA conference in Manila


Dear All,

This is to share the announcement and the flyer of the APEA conference to be held in Manila from 25 Feb- 1 Mar 2019. In…


Added by Asela Kalugampitiya on January 17, 2019 at 10:54 — No Comments

‘Ownership’ of evaluation & evaluative mindset in communities – key to achieving the goal of No one left behind

‘Ownership’ of evaluation & evaluative mindset in communities – key to achieving the goal of No one left behind 

We often use the term community participation in evaluation but do we reflect enough on the degree and depth of this engagement?“Use of participatory tools alone do not guarantee ‘ownership’. Evaluation can be a largely extractive process of getting data from the communitiesdid the communities have a say in what data has to be…


Added by Rituu B Nanda on January 2, 2019 at 14:00 — 4 Comments

7th EvalMENA Conference - Key Messages


Moroccan Evaluation Association (AME) and the Arab Network for Evaluation (EvalMENA)

hosted the 7th Arab Evaluation Conference in Rabat from 27 to 30 November 2018.

The conference was attended by more than 200 participants from different sectors and sectors,

representing the various national evaluation societies, parliamentarians, government officials and

other partners, namely the United Nations Programs and other Development Partners in the region.…


Added by Kassem El Saddik on December 22, 2018 at 23:00 — No Comments

An interesting evaluation approach

Yesterday (13/12/18) I met David Fetterman, one of the most important theorists in programme evaluation area. He came to Claremont, at the invitation of the Claremont Evaluation Center, as one of the speakers of the CEC Speaker Series, short events generally performed at lunch time. It is always exciting to find reference authors of your literature. This is a common practice for authors of this area. The usual is to imagine someone with distant behavior and willing only to talk about…


Added by Marcia Paterno Joppert on December 16, 2018 at 6:30 — 2 Comments

Lancement Projet P2P SENEVAL (Sénégal)


 Dans le cadre de son programme de petites subventions, l’OICE, à travers EvalPartners a octroyé une subvention aux vopes des régions d’Afrique pour dérouler un projet intitulé « Améliorer l'évaluation rigoureuse et constituer une base de données probante sur des interventions et des approches efficaces dans les secteurs de la Démocratie, des Droits de l’Homme et de la Gouvernanceen Côte-d’Ivoire, au Sénégaletau…


Added by Dieynaba DIA NDIAYE on December 10, 2018 at 19:00 — 1 Comment

Tackling Gender Inequality Through Health Equity

Still today, in almost all societies around the world, women are less well-off than men. Women are still paid less than men; they are less represented in business, politics and decision-making. Their life chances remain overwhelmingly less promising than those of men.

This inequality hurts us all. The world would be 20% better off if women were paid the same as men. Delaying early marriage in the developing world by just a few years would add more than $500 billion to annual global…


Added by Pradeep Kumar Panda on November 14, 2018 at 11:11 — No Comments

Can we do Value for Money differently in the International Development Sector?

Hi all

I recently had the opportunity to share some thoughts about Value for Money in the international development sector at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), in Brighton, UK. I just wanted to share some of the highlights as well as the video of the event in case you're interested.

Blog: …


Added by Francesca D'Emidio on November 12, 2018 at 22:00 — No Comments

Gender evaluative culture, participation, and South-South exchange: Learning topics in EvalGender+ / EvalYouth Alliance

By: Fabiola Amariles, Rituu B Nanda, Gerardo Sánchez, Claudia Olavarría

During the 13th biannual Conference of the European Evaluation Society in Thessaloniki, Greece, (EES2018), members of the EvalPartners´ sponsored initiatives EvalGender+ and…


Added by Fabiola Amariles on November 9, 2018 at 10:30 — No Comments

Webinar recording: Evaluative thinking

Hi all,

I was recently involved in hosting (and contributing to) a webinar on "evaluative thinking" for the organizational learning and evaluation capacity building topical interest group of the American Evaluation Association. Since the material covered may be of interest to this group, I'm sharing the link to the recording here…


Added by Tom Archibald on October 24, 2018 at 2:00 — 2 Comments

Assuming Sustainability + the SDG criteria

Folks, following on from Rituu's blog about the EES conference, here's mine on sustainability and the SDGs, not gender per se but maybe interesting. Waving!

Assuming Sustainability and Impact is Dangerous to Development (+ OECD/ DAC evaluation criteria)

We all do it; well, I used to do it too. I used to assume that if I helped my field staff and partners target and design funded projects well enough, and try to…


Added by Jindra Cekan, PhD on October 20, 2018 at 16:30 — No Comments

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