All Blog Posts (616)

Assuming Sustainability + the SDG criteria

Folks, following on from Rituu's blog about the EES conference, here's mine on sustainability and the SDGs, not gender per se but maybe interesting. Waving!

Assuming Sustainability and Impact is Dangerous to Development (+ OECD/ DAC evaluation criteria)

We all do it; well, I used to do it too. I used to assume that if I helped my field staff and partners target and design funded projects well enough, and try to…


Added by Jindra Cekan, PhD on October 20, 2018 at 16:30 — No Comments

Learnings & some nice things from European Evaluation Society conference 2018

I presented at EES conference but more importantly learned from brilliant professionals from around the world.

Nicest thing was the informal meet ups between members of Gender and Evaluation community. see pictures ;…


Added by Rituu B Nanda on October 9, 2018 at 13:30 — 3 Comments

SDG Target 5a: Challenges to achieving gender equality on access, ownership, and control over land!

There are two indicators to measure progress towards SDG 5 target 5a Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to, ownership and control over land… “, namely:

  • Indicator 5.a.1:(a) Proportion of total agricultural population with ownership or secure rights over agricultural land, by sex; and (b) share of women among owners or rights bearers of…

Added by Ranjani K.Murthy on October 6, 2018 at 13:27 — 3 Comments

Looking at Universal Health Coverage/Publicly funded health insurance scheme with a gender lens

Hi all

Sharing a recently published paper based on a literature review of studies on Publicly Funded Health Insurance Schemes in India with a gender lens (part of my PhD thesis). 

Would appreciate if anyone can share insights/experiences on how to engender measures such as 'catastrophic health expenditures' and 'impoverishments' widely used by health economists in a gender neutral way.…


Added by Rajalakshmi RamPrakash on October 4, 2018 at 13:58 — 1 Comment

Making the transition from evaluations to knowledge on gender-transformation

In-spite of several decades of development, the progress has been limited in reducing gender based violence, gender gap in economy, and gender gap in political participation globally. Yet a lot of development programmes and projects focus on these issues, and several evaluations have been carried on 'gender integrated' and 'gender specific projects". 

A key question is "Are evaluations creating to knowledge building on what works and what does not work with regard to reducing gender…


Added by Ranjani K.Murthy on September 24, 2018 at 16:00 — 2 Comments

Let’s bring Evaluation & equity lens in VNRs

(I had the opportunity to attend a session Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) during recently held #EvalColombo2018. Florence Etta facilitated the panel comprising of Oscar A. Garcia, Soma De Silva, and Stefano D’Errico)

I did not know much about the VNRs. After the session I decided to read about the VNRs. Here is what I have read including what I learned from the panelists. Thanks a lot to all the four in the panel and those who responded during Q&A from whom I…


Added by Rituu B Nanda on September 21, 2018 at 12:30 — 2 Comments

Atelier de formation sur l'évaluation sensible au genre et à l’équité de Seneval

Dans le cadre de sa mission de promotion de la culture et de la pratique de l’évaluation au niveau national et international, l’Association Sénégalaise d’Evaluation (SenEval), à travers son Groupe Thématique Evaluation Genre Egalité et Equité (GTEGEE), et en partenariat avec l’UNIICEF, a organisé un atelier de formation à l’intention des responsables des cellules genre des…


Added by Dieynaba DIA NDIAYE on August 16, 2018 at 20:30 — No Comments

Journées Béninoises de l'Evaluation

La cinquième édition des Journées Béninoises de l’Evaluation (JBE) s’est déroulée du 06 au 08 août 2018, au Bénin Marina Hôtel de Cotonou, sous le haut patronage du Ministre d'État, Secrétaire Général de la Présidence de la République du Bénin, Monsieur Pascal Irénée KOUPAKI.

Cette rencontre à portée internationale s'inscrit désormais dans une tradition car depuis 2010, les Journées Béninoises de l’Evaluation se tiennent…


Added by Elias Segla on August 16, 2018 at 18:03 — 2 Comments

Journées Béninoises d'Évaluations

Salut les collègues, je partage avec vous le communiqué final des Journées Béninoises d'évaluation.

La cinquième édition des Journées Béninoises de l’Evaluation (JBE) s’est déroulée du 06 au 08 août 2018, au Bénin Marina Hôtel de Cotonou, sous le haut patronage du Ministre d'État, Secrétaire Général de la Présidence de la République du Bénin, Monsieur Pascal…


Added by LOYE Alexis Salvador on August 14, 2018 at 5:59 — 5 Comments

Prix Excellence « Evaluation d’Or » : Kamara Joël Habib avec son projet d’indicateur d’évaluation de stabilité financière, lauréat de la 4ème édition

Le premier prix de la quatrième édition du Prix d’Excellence « Evaluation d’Or » a été remporté par M. Kamara Joël Habib, ivoirien résident au Sénégal, qui a conçu un indicateur d’évaluation important pour la stabilité financière. 

Les lauréats de ce Prix d’Excellence « Evaluation d’Or 2018 » ont été présentés au cours de la cérémonie officielle de remise de prix qui s’est déroulée dans l’après midi du jeudi 02 août 2018, à l’Hôtel Tiama d’Abidjan, sous le…


Added by Samuel KOUAKOU on August 9, 2018 at 18:22 — 1 Comment

Gender, Evaluation, Ratings and Raters

Sometimes, while evaluation progress towards gender equality and women's empowerment (GEWE), I am asked to give a rating on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 6 on criteria used by the commissioning organisation.  Normally, sub-criterias are listed for women's access to and ownership of resources, reduction in violence against women, increase in decision making of women etc. Sounds simple?

On the surface yes, but there are three challenges

Challenge of Interpretation:…


Added by Ranjani K.Murthy on July 25, 2018 at 14:13 — No Comments

Closing the Learning Loop – How to extend the ownership of evaluation findings to project beneficiaries?

The monitoring and evaluation field of development and humanitarian aid has seen advancements from traditional ways to new methods, such as using drones for collecting data. However, we have not yet answered the key questions: who is really benefiting from the learning results and who is accountable?

I have seen many evaluation wrap-up…


Added by Hur Hassnain on July 22, 2018 at 22:52 — 2 Comments

Seven Tips to better evaluations in fragility, conflict and violence

The World Bank estimates that by 2030, the share of global poor living in contexts of Fragility, Conflict and Violence (FCV) is projected to reach 46%. According to the OECD, ‘fragile states’ are most at risk of not achieving…


Added by Hur Hassnain on July 17, 2018 at 4:59 — 4 Comments

Turning SDG Promises into Action

Adopted by 185 nations across the world in September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) tackles a broad range of global challenges, aiming to eradicate poverty, reduce multiple and intersecting inequalities, address climate change, end conflict and sustain peace in the world.

Due to the relentless efforts of women’s rights advocates from across the globe, the 2030 Agenda’s commitment to gender equality is prominent, comprehensive and cross-cutting, building…


Added by Pradeep Kumar Panda on July 12, 2018 at 10:30 — No Comments

Role of Gender Budgeting in Gender Equality

Gender budgeting is the process of applying a gender lens to public financial management, to analyse the gender components in public spending across all sectors - not only social sector budgets - and evaluate their outcomes. Gender neutral fiscal policy can turn gender-blind if there are no systemic corrections.

 While gender budgeting processes around the world have tended to focus on public spending, the tax and non-tax revenue policies can also integrate the needs of men and women,…


Added by Pradeep Kumar Panda on June 26, 2018 at 10:19 — No Comments

New York will be the first city in the world to report directly to the UN on the status of its implementation of the SDGs at the HLPF, 9-18 July 2018

New York will be the first city in the world to report directly to the UN on the status of its implementation of the SDGs at the HLPF, 9-18 July 2018

The New York City Mayor and the Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office for International Affairs announced that New York City will…


Added by Laura Gagliardone on June 18, 2018 at 20:04 — No Comments

Más de cuarenta posgrados en evaluación en América Latina y el Caribe

(thanks to Google, you can read it in English here...)

Publicado originalmente en AL BORDE DEL CAOS

Más de cuarenta…


Added by Pablo Rodriguez Bilella on May 17, 2018 at 20:41 — 1 Comment

Evaluation Community of India Evalfest 2018 report

Dear all,

I am happy to enclose the report on Evalfest 2018 organised by Evaluation Community of India (ECOI) 7-9th Feb. 

EvalFest was conceived and organized by Evaluation Community of India (ECOI), an association of professionals set up in October 2015 with the objectives of spreading an evaluation culture inthe country and contributing to evaluation capacity…


Added by Rashmi Agrawal on May 4, 2018 at 17:00 — 1 Comment


Dear "Gender and Evaluation" Colleagues, 

I decided to write this blog (and sharing with you an interesting resource) after having a quick and engaging conversation with some evaluation colleagues in the US yesterday. The discussion took place after I posted the following message on my…


Added by Michele Tarsilla on April 15, 2018 at 9:00 — 15 Comments



Added by Laura Gagliardone on April 11, 2018 at 19:57 — No Comments

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