
All Blog Posts (615)

Value added of post project evaluation, rather than just final evaluation

Hello - please see our research report on post project #evaluation where we show the value added to 'program cycle' final evaluation. (Un)expected #sustainability or not, emerging sustainability and more:

Added by Jindra Cekan, PhD on October 5, 2017 at 0:44 — 9 Comments

EVALPARTNERS Global Forum III - Report - Now Available.

Dear colleagues,

It is with great excitement that I share with you the Third EvalPartners Global Forum report. Please find here:



Added by Ada Ocampo on September 5, 2017 at 23:30 — No Comments

“Evaluation as a driver of reform in IFIs”: We need your views on how to include gender

IDEV, Independent Evaluation of the African Development Bank, issues a Quarterly Knowledge Publication, "Evaluation Matters".  We are currently accepting submissions for the 4th quarter2017 edition of eVALUAtion Matters, which will focus on…


Added by kate stoney on August 23, 2017 at 1:06 — No Comments

Distinction: Hon. Imbassou Ouattara receives the ivorian "Gold Evaluation" Special Award

On August 3, 2017, Mr. Imbassou Ouattara Abbas was awarded the Special "Gold Evaluation" Prize of the Ivorian Initiative for Evaluation (2IEval), for his significant contribution to the promotion of the practice of evaluation in Côte d'Ivoire, which made it possible to integrate the evaluation into the Ivorian constitution of 2016.

It was on the…


Added by Samuel KOUAKOU on August 18, 2017 at 16:21 — No Comments

Distinction: Imbassou Ouattara reçoit le Prix Spécial « Evaluation d’Or »

M. Imbassou Ouattara Abbas a reçu, le 3 août 2017, le Prix Spécial « Evaluation d’Or » de l’Initiative Ivoirienne pour l’Evaluation (2IEval), pour sa contribution significative à la promotion de la pratique de l’Evaluation en Côte d’Ivoire qui a permis l’intégration de l’évaluation dans la constitution ivoirienne de…


Added by Samuel KOUAKOU on August 18, 2017 at 16:10 — 2 Comments

Outcome Mapping and Gender

Dear Friends, 

You may want to have a look at this new resource from the Outcome Mapping Learning Community. 

I analyze and reflect on how Outcome Mapping and Gender concepts align. See here

It is based on several months of discussion with the online community. You can view the discussion…


Added by SONAL ZAVERI on August 3, 2017 at 23:00 — No Comments

Measuring Social Norms on WEE Programmes: Lessons from Itad’s Work in Gender Equality

The role of social norms change in economically empowering women was a hot topic at the SEEP Women’s Economic Empowerment Global Learning Forum earlier this year.

The event was opened by Professor Naila Kabeer, who argued that not taking cultural and social norms into consideration when enhancing women’s economic empowerment (WEE) can undermine the transformative potential of WEE efforts. Dr Cynthia Drakeman also presented the…


Added by Mollie Liesner on July 28, 2017 at 15:03 — 2 Comments

Evaluating progress toward the SDGs : We need your views on how to include gender

Evaluating progress towards the SDGs will require an assessment of whether that progress is equitable, relevant and sustainable. Furthermore, if development is to be inclusive and leave no one behind, human rights principles and standards should also be considered. Is the field of evaluation ready to deal with this paradigm shift? Are evaluations…


Added by kate stoney on July 20, 2017 at 14:33 — 1 Comment

Evaluation of improvements in the quality of life of women on the island of Santiago in Cabo Verde

The wind-swept islands of the archipelago of Cabo Verde, with their mountainous terrain, make life harsh and pose constant challenges for their inhabitants. Over 350 000 of the estimated 500 000 Cabo Verdeans live in rural areas. They traditionally grew…


Added by kate stoney on July 20, 2017 at 14:00 — 2 Comments

Why is 'good data' important to achieve #SDGs?

Lots of DATA got us thinking about how we could make it interesting- Why is 'good data' important to achieve Video Link

Video Link…


Added by Payal Mulchandani on July 20, 2017 at 11:00 — No Comments


Dear Gender and Evaluation Community, I am taking the initiative to show you an article I have written on my 17 daily actions to support the SDGs: It is working as engagement tool and, over the past weeks, I have received good comments which could be developed in ideas and…


Added by Laura Gagliardone on July 5, 2017 at 12:40 — 2 Comments

Reflections from Community of Evaluators, Bhutan Conference

Creativity and good facilitation are at the heart of participatory research!

Recently, I attended a conference on Impact Evaluation hosted by the Community of Evaluators (COE)/ South Asia in Thimpu, Bhutan. The conference was all sorts of GREAT! Four days was divided into two days of pre conference workshops, while the two-day conference saw several interesting panel discussions.

This being one of my first international conferences on Evaluation, I was…


Added by Payal Mulchandani on June 23, 2017 at 12:49 — 1 Comment

Gender+ and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Where we stands as a country leaving “no one left behind” Focusing on SDGs Goal # 5, 10 in Sri Lanka Prospective

Discussion Forum on

Title Gender+ and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Sri Lanka Prospective

Venue CHA, No. 1, Gower Street, Colombo 5

Date and Time 05-June-2017, 1430hrs – 1630hrs

Key Keynote By Isha Wedasinghe Miranda Independent Evaluator, Member of the EvalGender Management Group , Secretary Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA)…


Added by Isha Wedasinghe Miranda on June 17, 2017 at 5:50 — 1 Comment

The story of EvalPartners in a slideshow

Dear Friends,

When looking at the road we have covered together under EvalPartners over just a few years (2012-2017), I am so proud of us! Ordinary people from all over the world who are joined by the belief that evaluation that includes a gender equality and equity lens needs to be used throughout our societies and systems.

When we were in Kyrgyzstan for the 3rd Global Evaluation Forum, I was asked to present the …


Added by Tessie Catsambas on June 1, 2017 at 22:30 — 2 Comments

Itad’s 4 top takeaways from the SEEP Women’s Economic Empowerment Forum

Did you know that there are more CEOs in Australia called John than there are CEOs that are women? And that in 95% of economies in Sub-Saharan Africa there is at least one law impeding women’s economic opportunities? These laws include everything from restrictions on married women opening bank accounts, to signing contracts and travelling outside the home.

There are barriers to women’s economic empowerment in all parts of the world; both developed and developing…


Added by Mollie Liesner on June 1, 2017 at 15:46 — 9 Comments

Children Measuring Their Perceived Level of Safety in Fragile and Conflict Affected Contexts

Children are more often simply seen as the recipients of assistance designed by others rather than as agents of change who can help shape how their needs are responded to. It is quite rare, especially in a conflict affected country to ask children directly what their problems are and what change they want to see, let alone do it in a child participatory way. In such…


Added by Hur Hassnain on May 26, 2017 at 20:37 — 8 Comments

Quelques documents en français

Bonjour collègues francophones membres de EvalGender+, Je vous joins quelques documents de base sur les évaluations axées sur l'équité et le genre. Mais noter que le Guide pour l'évaluation des ODD dans une perspective d'équité et de genre n'est disponible qu'en anglais pour l'instant. La traduction en français est en cours et vous sera partagée dès que disponible.…


Added by LOYE Alexis Salvador on May 26, 2017 at 19:32 — No Comments

Que retenir du forum Global de l'Évaluation

Le troisième forum global sur l'évaluation s'est tenu du 25-28 Avril 2017 au Kirghizstan dans la magnifique ville de Bischkek sous le thème «Transformer notre monde à travers l'évaluation: l'engagement et le partenariat pour un monde meilleur ». La coordination de EvalGender+ a participé activement à faire le bilan des 2 ans (depuis le Népal) et à se…


Added by LOYE Alexis Salvador on May 26, 2017 at 1:40 — 1 Comment

Youth and the future of work [Women in the workforce]

The youth have an opinion. Are young women treated as equals? What kind of parental and societal pressures they face when they make career choices? Is our society and it's mindset changing when it comes to women participating in the workforce. Here's a live discussion, organized by Youth Ki Awaaz and ILO, on the theme of women in the workforce.…


Added by Diya Banerjee on May 2, 2017 at 15:09 — No Comments

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