Monthly Corner

IDH and WSAF Publication of ToolKit

Tashi Dendup Blog

David Wand - Podcast Reviewing Somalia SRH GBV project Performance Measurement Framework 

Public Health Journal - December, 2024

Please get in touch with Steven Ariss ( if you’re keen to learn more or would like more FAIRSTEPS related resources.

ORACLE NEWS DAILY - Article by George S. Tengbeh

IEG & World Bank Publication - October, 2024

Getaneh Gobezie - Two Blogs

EVALSDGs Insight Dialogue - October 23rd 2024

Value for Women Publication 2024


All Blog Posts (618)



Diversity refers to the political entities with members who have identifiable differences in their cultural backgrounds or lifestyles. People come from various backgrounds and are raised differently depending on their origin, culture, heritage and so on. In the modern workplace where globalization has left the world a global village, people from all walks of life integrate. There is therefore a…


Added by Paul M. Mucheru on September 22, 2016 at 17:42 — 1 Comment

Debate on Evaluation futures at #EES2016

Hi there! I am very happy to have joined in the gender evaluation community!

 As EES board member and, more importantly, evaluation enthusiast, I invite you to join us (in presence and virtually) in the upcoming #EES2016 debate about evaluation futures: connectivity, innovation and use! We are very excited to explore what it will mean for the gender community.

Please use the #EES2016 hashtag!

Please check the Conference Programme and…


Added by Laura Tagle on September 16, 2016 at 21:40 — No Comments

UN Women IEO VIDEO on making the “no one left behind” commitment a reality!

Evaluation can help us achieve greater gender equality in a new development…


Added by Alexandra Capello on September 15, 2016 at 21:00 — No Comments

Third EvalSDGs Briefing - Live

Once again, I am proud and delighted to share with you and the wider evaluation community the 3d EvalSDGs briefing: Five considerations for national evaluation agendas informed by the SDGsIt can be accessed on:

It is one of a series of…


Added by Kassem El Saddik on September 15, 2016 at 5:09 — 1 Comment

Evaluation: More than just data and analysis

“Your assumptions are your windows to the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.”― Isaac Asimov

A very warm welcome to all my readers! I decided to make this months blog about how being an Evaluator has further strengthened my ability to be flexible, to excel in any environment, and to connect with people of diverse backgrounds and cultures.

I have been involved…


Added by Inem K. Chahal on September 13, 2016 at 20:00 — No Comments

Professional Learning International Volunteer Opportunity at Lutheran World Relief

Are you a currently employed Non-profit professional working in Monitoring and Evaluation, Gender, or Agriculture Program Implementation? If so, Lutheran World Relief has a volunteer learning opportunity for you. Please see attached publication, and contact via the emails listed for additional information.…


Added by Carolina Koldys on September 12, 2016 at 19:55 — 1 Comment

A Resource Pack on Gender Transformative Evaluations

The third book - A Resource Pack on Gender Transformative Evaluations - in the series of publications under the project 'Engendering Policy through Evaluation: Uncovering Exclusion, Challenging inequities and Building Capacities' (supported by the IDRC, Canada and the Ford Foundation,New Delhi) is out.

Edited by Shraddha Chigateri and Shiny Saha, A Resource Pack aims to inform readers of what constitutes gender transformative evaluations, and how to conduct such…


Added by Shiny Saha on September 12, 2016 at 12:51 — 2 Comments


EvalGender + est l'une des initiatives lancées le 25 Novembre 2015 à Kathmandu (Népal) ayant pour mission de:

  •  renforcer la demande, l'apport et l'utilisation des évaluations axées sur le genre et l'équité pour aider à l'atteinte les objectifs du développement durable (ODD);
  • réaliser l'égalité des sexes et l'équité sociale pour le développement durable

La communauté de pratique EvalGender+Francophone mise en place à cette occasion vise…


Added by LOYE Alexis Salvador on September 12, 2016 at 1:47 — 1 Comment

Sustaining projects during and after Implementation: Does gender count?

One of our Valuing Voices team, Rutere Kagendo, wrote a blog about gender and project sustainability Originally posted here:

Sustaining projects during and after Implementation: Does gender…


Added by Jindra Cekan, PhD on September 7, 2016 at 20:02 — No Comments

Evaluations that make a difference: evaluations stories around the world

A post published in

Para leerlo en Español:



Added by Pablo Rodriguez Bilella on August 29, 2016 at 20:23 — 3 Comments

Are gender-transformative evaluations in conflict situations different from similar evaluations in other settings?

Gender-transformative evaluations seek to assess impact of policies, programmes and projects on transforming gender and other social relations. They adopt transformative evaluation methodologies and methods, are done people with gender expertise, and findings are fed back to marginalized women and men.

Are gender-transformative evaluations in conflict situations different from similar evaluations in non-conflict settings? Does the evaluator have to keep specific aspects in…


Added by Ranjani K.Murthy on August 18, 2016 at 10:27 — 10 Comments

Hon. Kabir Hashim on CPA’s magazine

It is our pleasure to share with you Hon. Kabir Hashim’s article on the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) magazine on page 143. If difficult to go to page, you may type 143 on the search box. It has come nicely highlighting Global Evaluation Agenda.

Please find below a link to the latest issue of The Parliamentarian 2016: Issue Two which has just been published online and features the article that you kindly contributed on ‘Promoting the…

Added by María Alejandra Lucero Manzano on August 17, 2016 at 22:00 — No Comments

Undesired: Violence Against Women in India

Dear all, I just want to share this photography and video story telling work made by a friend of my...! I think it is a good work and deserve to be shared it widely! 

The work is about Violence Against Women in India!  

Access the pictures and video here…


Added by ESTEBAN TAPELLA on August 16, 2016 at 18:30 — 4 Comments

Historical motion submitted to the Sri Lanka parliament on National Evaluation Policies

On 9th August 2016, Hon. Buddhika Pathirana submitted a motion proposing to the Parliament of Sri Lanka to have a National Evaluation Policy and evaluation system for the country. It was a historical day for our parliament and the great debate held was very interesting. His speech…

Added by María Alejandra Lucero Manzano on August 12, 2016 at 20:13 — No Comments

Report on 'Mainstreaming, acceleration and policy support (MAPs) for SDGs: Gender baseline analysis against SDGs in Mongolia

Myself and my colleagues at the Independent Research Institute of Mongolia conducted an assessment on SDG readiness and data availability in Mongolia, funded by UNDP. We tried to provide recommendations on how data gaps can be filled out by the government, NGOs and donors. 

This report is interesting as it gives an overall picture of the case of Mongolia - in terms of evaluation and sex-disaggregate data. We found that mostly qualitative data was missing and data collection mechanism…


Added by Dolgion Aldar on August 9, 2016 at 16:08 — 2 Comments

Appel pour financement des associations nationales

Bonjour à vous,

EvalPartners a lancé le programme de financement d'activités visant une collaboration entre différentes associations nationales en évaluation et d'autres partenaires (Peer-to-Peer).

Vous trouverez  ci-joint les canevas pour la proposition.



Added by LOYE Alexis Salvador on August 8, 2016 at 21:00 — 1 Comment

Évaluation des ODD dans une perspective d'équité et de genre au Burkina Faso

Le Burkina Faso a bénéficié d'un appui technique et financier de EvalGender+ et EvalPartners pour mettre en oeuvre un projet pilote dénommé « Projet de renforcement des capacités en évaluation des objectifs de développement durable dans une perspective d'équité et de genre au Burkina Faso». A cet effet, un atelier de formation sur le thème ci-dessus intitulé s'est déroulé du 27 Juin au 2 Juillet et a connu la participation des parlementaires, des membres du réseau Burkinabè de…


Added by LOYE Alexis Salvador on August 3, 2016 at 21:00 — 4 Comments

Launch of Feminist Evaluation page on the Better Evaluation portal

Dear colleagues, 

It is with great pleasure that I would like to announce the launch of the page on Feminist Evaluation  at the Better Evaluation portal.

We hope you will find it useful and encourage your feedback and sharing with your networks. The BE resources can be updated, so we welcome feedback and suggestions to make this resource…


Added by Svetlana Negroustoueva on August 3, 2016 at 8:00 — 4 Comments

Support in development of disability survey questionnaire

Hi all.

I am asking for support in development of a survey questionnaire(s) for study on disabled people and access to education as one of the human rights. Please let me know if you have any relevant information that can be used in development of the survey.

The information below provides some highlights:

Components of the project:

1. A survey on the current situation of the education of people with disabilities in the project area

2. Production of survey… Continue

Added by Nuha Mohamed Abdalla on July 27, 2016 at 14:30 — 7 Comments

A global call for action to include gender in research impact assessment

Global investment in biomedical research has grown significantly over the last decades, reaching approximately a quarter of a trillion US dollars in 2010. However, not all of this investment is distributed evenly by gender. It follows, arguably, that scarce research resources may not be optimally invested (by either not supporting the best science or by failing to…


Added by Pavel Ovseiko on July 19, 2016 at 22:05 — 5 Comments

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